Chapter seven

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Wedding day

On the morning of his wedding day, Seonghwa woke with a heaviness in his chest. Something felt off. The excitement and joy that should have filled the air were instead replaced with a nagging doubt. He stared at the ceiling, a question gnawing at him.

What if I don’t go to the wedding?

The thought lingered, echoing in his mind as he sat up, running a hand through his hair. He had spent hours convincing himself that everything would be fine, but deep down, he knew that was a lie. If he didn’t show up, everyone would be disappointed—his family, his friends, the guests. They would all be angry, confused, and perhaps the worst thought of all—San would be hurt. His best friend, who had always been by his side, wouldn't understand.

“I never wanted to be the reason someone was left waiting,” Seonghwa muttered to himself, the weight of it all sinking in. The very thought of San’s disappointed face broke something in him.

After what felt like an eternity of indecision, he let out a dramatic, frustrated cry, the emotions too heavy to keep inside. He knew there was no escaping it now. He had to face the day, no matter how he felt. With a deep sigh, Seonghwa forced himself to get up. He moved mechanically through the motions—showering, getting dressed, barely paying attention to his reflection in the mirror. His heart wasn’t in it, but he had to go.

Arriving at the wedding hall, he was greeted by the sight of his parents. They smiled softly at him, the pride clear in their eyes. But Seonghwa couldn’t bring himself to return it. Their smiles, their excitement—it all felt so distant, so disconnected from him. How could they stand there, smiling, when they hadn’t even bothered to ask him how he felt? This was supposed to be the biggest day of his life, and yet, his own wishes had been overlooked. His chest tightened with a wave of resentment.

His parents continued smiling, but Seonghwa turned away, heading inside. The weight of the day pressed down on him, heavier with each step.


After getting dressed, Seonghwa barely had a moment to catch his breath before his mother gently took his hand. He glanced at her in confusion, but before he could ask what was happening, she began leading him toward the stage.

Why is she walking me to the stage? Seonghwa’s mind raced, the confusion growing stronger with each step. This wasn’t how he’d imagined it. His marriage was supposed to be with a woman—wasn’t it? He had nothing against men, but the sudden shift caught him off guard. A thousand worries flooded his mind. What if he's toxic? What if he hurts me? The thought of being trapped in an abusive relationship with someone he barely knew sent a chill down his spine.

Before he could dwell on it further, a loud cheer erupted from the crowd. Wooyoung, ever the life of the party, was hooting wildly, his voice cutting through the noise with enthusiasm that was almost contagious. But for Seonghwa, the sound only made the moment feel more surreal.

Beside Wooyoung, San looked equally confused, his brows furrowed as he tried to process what was happening. Why is Seonghwa marrying a man? San’s thoughts mirrored Seonghwa’s confusion, but he pushed them aside, deciding to just go along with the moment. With a quick shake of his head, he forced a smile and joined Wooyoung in the cheering. After all, it was Seonghwa’s day, and whatever was happening, he would support his best friend.

Then there was Yeosang. Always calm and collected, he stood off to the side, a soft smile gracing his lips. He watched Seonghwa walk toward the stage, his eyes filled with admiration. How can someone look so effortlessly beautiful? he thought. Not for the first time, Yeosang marveled at his best friend’s appearance, though he meant it in a purely way. He had always been quick to compliment Seonghwa’s looks, and today was no exception

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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