Rumors and Reactions

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The sun rose lazily over the small town of Maplewood, casting a golden hue over the quaint streets and bustling shops. The excitement surrounding the upcoming festival had taken over, with colorful banners fluttering in the breeze and local businesses preparing for one of the most important weekends of the year. Clara could feel the festival's buzz in the air as she swept the front of her bakery, watching people pass by with smiles on their faces.

It wasn't just the festival that had people talking, though.

Over the past few days, she'd noticed a shift in how folks looked at her—and more specifically, how they looked at her whenever Jake from the coffee shop next door happened to be nearby. Clara could practically feel the curiosity radiating from people's gazes when they saw her and Jake exchanging even the smallest of pleasantries.

Rumors were spreading like wildfire.

"Did you hear about Clara and Jake? Seems like they've been spending a lot of time together lately."

"Maybe they're more than just business partners now!"

"I saw them laughing together outside her bakery yesterday. The way they were looking at each other, well... you know what that means!"

The whispers had started as soon as Clara and Jake began working on their collaboration for the festival. At first, Clara had dismissed it as nothing more than typical small-town gossip. Maplewood was known for its nosy residents who loved to speculate on anyone and everyone's business. But the rumors had taken on a life of their own, and now, whenever Clara walked through town, she could feel the weight of people's eyes on her, eager for more details about her "relationship" with Jake.

It was absurd. She and Jake were just working together for the festival. Sure, they had started to enjoy each other's company a little more, and maybe there had been a few moments—tiny, fleeting moments—where she'd caught herself admiring his determination or laughing at his dry sense of humor. But that didn't mean there was anything going on between them. Did it?

Clara shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts as she entered her bakery. She had more important things to worry about, like perfecting the lemon-lavender tarts and finalizing their booth setup for the festival. But as much as she tried to focus on work, the persistent flutter in her stomach whenever Jake was around refused to be ignored.

As if on cue, the doorbell to her bakery chimed, and there he was, standing in the doorway with that familiar, slightly disheveled charm. Jake gave her a quick nod and strode inside, carrying a bag of freshly roasted coffee beans.

"Morning," he said, setting the bag down on the counter. "Brought these for our booth. Figured you'd want to give them a sniff before we finalize the blend for the festival."

Clara offered him a small smile, her heart doing that annoying little skip it had been doing lately whenever he appeared. "Thanks. I've got the pastries ready too if you want to try them. We'll need to decide on what pairs best with your coffee."

Jake leaned against the counter, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm ready for whatever you've got," he said, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "But, uh... you might want to brace yourself."

"For what?" Clara asked, raising an eyebrow as she set the tray of pastries in front of him.

He gave a half-shrug, looking around the bakery as if checking for eavesdroppers before leaning in slightly. "For the rumors."

Clara's heart sank. She hadn't realized Jake was aware of the gossip. "Oh. So you've heard them too?"

Jake chuckled, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Hard not to. This town loves to talk, and apparently, we're the topic of the week."

The Bakery AffairWhere stories live. Discover now