Chapter 2

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I was stunned to see the boy that had was walking past her house earlier, the one that looked at her.

"Umm hi" He said.

"Hi" I said.

"Your the girl I saw in the window. Aren't you?" He asked smiling, like he was amused.

"Umm.. Yeah, i guess. Whats your name?" I asked trying to get off the topic.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson. Whats yours?" He asked.

"Brandi, Brandi Hewitt." I said.

"I like it, a pretty name for a pretty girl." Louis said smiling.

"Well thanks." I said blushing.

"Where were you walking to?" Louis asked.

"No where in particular. Just around" I said.

"Would you mind if I walked with you?" Louis asked, looking like he was hoping I wouldn't.

"Why not, where do you want to walk to? You know your way around here better than I do." I said smiling.

"Do you like shopping?" Louis asked.

"Not really, anyways I didnt bring any money with me only a couple dollars." I said.

"Oh. Do you want to get get ice cream?" He asked.

"I would love to." I said smiling.

"Great! Lets go!"Louis said excitedly.


Sorry, its a short chapter. I will try to right more next time.

Tell me if its good? Bad? Should I change anything about it? If so what? Vote, comment whatever please. Thanks.(:

Love at first sight. (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now