Chapter 3

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*Brandi's POV*

**At the ice cream shop**

"You can go first." Louis said.

"Okay, I would like.. a peanut butter milkshake with extra peanut butter, please." I told the lady at the other end of the counter, then I stepped to the side so that Louis could tell the lady what he wanted.

"Hmm, I would like vanilla milksake please." Louis told the lady.

"Is that all?" The lady asked.

"Yes." Me and Louis both said at the same time.

We waited for them to bring our ice cream.

*Louis' POV*

While she was ordering her ice cream I couldnt help but take in her apperance. She was so bautiful. Im glad she moved here, I really would like to get to know her a lot better.

When I saw her in the window I thought she was pretty, but now that I see her up close well, shes truly beautiful! I couldn't wait to go to school to talk to her, I needed to now. I was glad that we went to get ice cream. I cant stop smiling when im around her. She has this affect on me.

"Heres your ice cream." I heard a voice say, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks." Brandi said smiling and the lady.

"Yeah, thanks." I said, picking up my ice cream.

We went and sat down at one of the tables in the back where nobody was sitting. We talked for a little while and ate our ice cream. We were sitting in silence for a second until her phone started vibrating. She looked at it then looked at me.

"Its my mom. probably wondering where I am and when ill be home."

*Brandi's POV*

My phone started ringing I looked to see who was texting me, my mom.

Mom: Hi.

Me: Hello.

Mom: Where are you.

Me: Getting ice cream.

Mom: When will you be home?

Me: Umm.. Im not sure.

Mom: Okay, well dont be to long.

Hurry home. Be careful, I love you.

Me: Kay, I will , love you to. Bye.

Mom: Bye.

After i put my phone down we started having an actual conversation. He is actually really funny.

"Are you read to go?" Louis asked

"Sure." I said.

We walked out of the ice cream shop and stated walking home. It was maybe a 15 or 20 minute walk. We talked and laughed. I didnt want this day to be over. It was already 8:30. We were out for about 2 hours. When we got to my house we exhanged numbers and he walked me to the door.

"We should hang out again, maybe tomorrow?" Louis asked.

"I would love to. Text me?" I said while opening my door.

"I will. Bye." Louis said smiling.

"Bye." I said also similing.

I ran up the stairs to my room and jumed on my bed. Today had turned out better than I ever thought it woud have. I checked my phone and noticed I had a bunch of texs in the group chat with Ryann and Caitlann. I forgot I told them I would text them back later.

Me:Sorry guys, I forgot to text you. I wish you guys could have came with me!

Ryann: Its okay. Who have you met already? Is it a boy? Is he cute? What does he look like? Tell me!! and yeah.. I wish I could move there with you. Any room for me?(;

Caitlann: Geez! So many questions! HAHA! Any room or me either? I could talk my parents into letting me go.(:

Me: Yes, I have met someone. He is a boy. He is very cute. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Thats all im telling you. Do you guys really wanna cme here? I can ask my mom if there is enough room for you both. THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT! :D

Ryann: Awwwhh. Come on, tell me more! I wanna know!

Me: Nope. If you get to move down here with me then you will get to meet him.(:

Caitlann: IM ALOUD! Brandi go ask your mom now! You to Ryann! ;D

Ryann: Hold on.

Brandi: My mom said yes. Your aloud! Yay!

Ryann: Im aloud to!

Brandi: Well start packing! See you when you get to the airport. (:

Caitlann: Kay, Bye. See Ya. Cant wait to see the 'very cute' guy. :D

Ryann: Yeah what Caitlann said! Well bye. See ya. :D


Well its longer this time. I have school in the morning so I dont think I will upload till after. Unless im still up and feel like writing more later on tonight. VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!(*:

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