One Night In Texas

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The police squirmed at the scene before them. A fortyeight year old mother of two laid dead in her kitchen. To be honest, she laid in several pieces in her kitchen. The killer must have been strong. He had completely butchered her. And to make things more grotesque. Her head had been placed on a platter in the middle of the kitchen table. On the floor, her intestines had been used to spell the word BITCH. Her twelve year old son sat in the back of a police car. One of the officers looked at him as another officer walked up. "Poor tyke. He witnessed the whole thing. Hasn't said a thing." The other officer shook his head. "What are they going to do with him?" The first officer smiled. "He's got a twenty year old sister. She's going to take him in tonight. In the morning he's going to be checked at a psychiatric hospital. Might have to stay awhile." The other officer looked in the car. "We'll, at least he has family to take care of him. I hope he talks soon so we can find this sociopath." The other officer agreed. Little William was taken to his sisters apartment. Tiffany tried to talk to her brother, but he said nothing. "Will, you must be terrified. You can sleep with me tonight. I'm going to go take a shower. Make yourself at home." While Tiffany was in the shower, Will went through her kitchen drawers until he found what he was looking for. A huge butcher knife. He smile to himself with delight as he called out. "Oh Tiffany!"

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