Chapter 7

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"Are you ready?" Kael's voice was low and calm, but there was a tension behind his words that made my hands tremble.

I found myself in the center of a small clearing, surrounded by tall, dark trees that seemed to wrap the sky in a vice.

The moonlight barely filtered through the leaves, casting menacing shadows that stretched along the ground.

There was a strange energy in the air, something that made my skin tingle, as if I had just entered a world I was never meant to see.

I nodded, even though deep inside, I wasn't at all sure.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Kael looked at me for a long moment, as if he were assessing my determination.

Then he moved in front of me, his black eyes shining in the darkness.

"Remember," he said, "the power of shadows responds to emotions. The more in tune you are with your emotions, the better you'll be able to control the power. But there's a danger..."

"What danger?" I asked, even though a part of me already knew the answer.

"If you let your emotions consume you, if you allow fear, anger, or pain to take over, the shadows will take you. You will become like them."

Kael paused, his gaze serious. "And you won't be able to go back."

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words. My heart was pounding in my chest. Emotions.

Those very emotions that had driven me throughout my life-the fear of being different, the anger at being abandoned by a father I didn't know, the pain of losing my mother.

Now I had to face them, or risk losing myself forever.

Kael raised a hand, summoning a small sphere of shadow that formed between his fingers. "Focus," he said. "Feel the darkness inside you. Don't fight it. Let it flow, but remain in control."

I closed my eyes, trying to do as he said.

I took a deep breath, attempting to sense the power within me. At first, there was only silence, a void.

But then, slowly, I felt a faint tremor, like a distant wave approaching the shore.

The shadows. They were there, beneath the surface, like a silent presence waiting to be awakened.

I could feel their call, dark and seductive. They were powerful, promising a strength I had never known.

But there was also something terrifying about them, an insatiable hunger that threatened to swallow me whole.

"Alina, focus!" Kael snapped me back to reality, his voice sharp as a blade.

I opened my eyes and raised a hand, trying to summon that power. I felt the energy building inside me, a current growing in intensity.

The shadows around me began to move, flickering like flames in the wind.

But the more I tried to control them, the more it felt like they were controlling me.

A sudden gust of wind shook the trees, and I felt a wave of fear swell within me.

I couldn't do it.

The shadows were pulling me in, and I sensed that I was losing control.

My hand trembled, and the world around me began to spin.

"Don't let yourself go!" Kael shouted, rushing toward me.

"You must stay calm!"

But it was too late. I felt an explosion of energy, and suddenly the shadows enveloped me completely, suffocating me like a black cloak.

Fear gripped my heart. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, I couldn't move.

I was trapped.

I heard the shadows whispering, faceless voices promising me power, freedom, revenge.

But I also heard another sound, deeper, darker.


A distant echo that sent shivers down my spine.

I was about to give in, about to surrender completely to that call, when suddenly a hand grabbed mine.

I felt a warm rush coursing through my body, breaking the darkness that surrounded me.

"Alina, come back!" Kael's voice was distant, but his grip was strong. "Don't let go! They want you, but you are not one of them!"

I struggled against the shadows, trying to free myself from their embrace. It felt like surfacing from the depths of a thick, dark sea.

With one last effort, I managed to break free, and the shadows dispersed, leaving me gasping for breath on the ground.

Kael looked at me, his face pale. "You managed to stop them. But you've seen how dangerous it is."

I nodded weakly, still trembling. The power I had inside me was far greater than I had imagined, but it was also terrifying.

"I don't know if I can do this," I confessed, my voice breaking.

Kael moved closer and knelt beside me. "You can do it," he said calmly.

"But you must learn not to let your emotions overwhelm you. The power of shadows is always there, ready to consume you. You have to stay in control."

I looked at him, trying to find some strength in his words. "But how can I control them if I'm full of fear and anger myself?"

Kael smiled slightly, a sad smile. "It's not about not having emotions, Alina. It's about learning to use them without being consumed. You need to find the balance between control and letting go."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

I had to do this.

I had no other choice.

If I wanted to survive, if I wanted to uncover the truth about who I was and protect the world from the Shadow Kingdom, I had to learn to control that dark power.

But the path ahead would be much more difficult than I had imagined.

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