The darkness of the temple grew increasingly oppressive, and each step I took felt as heavy as a boulder.The magical flowers I had gathered in the forest glowed faintly, illuminating the path of dancing shadows around us.
Kael walked beside me, his gaze alert to the furtive movements of the shadows.
“Are you ready?” he asked, his tone grave and heavy with concern.
“Ready for what, exactly?” I replied, trying to maintain a tone of confidence I didn’t truly feel.
“To fight a powerful and manipulative witch? To face the truth about my father?”
“Not just that. We need to be prepared for anything Seline might throw at us.”
I stared at the stone floor, each step bringing me closer to my destiny.
The words of the figure in the temple echoed in my mind.
“The price will be high.”
What did that mean? And what would I have to sacrifice?
“Alina, listen.” Kael grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop. “If you discover the truth about your father, you must be ready for what it may entail. The Shadow King is an ambiguous figure. Not all powers are benevolent.”
“I know,” I said, looking directly into his eyes. “But I need to know who I really am. I can’t confront Seline and the curse without knowing my past.”
We continued until we reached a vast chamber, its walls covered with ancient symbols that glowed faintly, as if they were eager to reveal forgotten stories.
In the center, a large stone altar was adorned with flowers similar to the ones I had gathered, but in a deep blue that seemed to pulsate with a life of its own.
“These flowers,” I murmured, “must hold special significance.”
Kael nodded, approaching the altar. “It is said that the Flowers of Shadow are the guardians of truth. Only those ready to confront their destiny can gather them.”
“And what will they tell us?” I asked, feeling my heartbeat quicken.
“They might reveal how to break the curse or show us Seline's true face. But remember, Alina, we cannot trust everything we see.”
As we approached, a figure materialized in the darkness behind us. She was cloaked in dark robes, her face shrouded in shadow.
The tension in the air became palpable.
“Welcome, children of the shadows,” said a female voice, laden with unsettling authority.
“You are here to uncover the truth?”
I recognized the figure as the entity that had welcomed us to the temple.
“It’s you,” I said, feeling a mix of fear and determination.
“We want to know the truth about Seline and my father, the Shadow King.”
“Ah, the Shadow King,” the figure smiled, but it was not a reassuring smile. “A man of great power and darkness. It is time to reveal to you his secret and your connection to him.”
A flash of blue light swept across the chamber, illuminating her face. Her eyes sparkled like two stars in the dark.
“Alina, you are born of a powerful bloodline. Your power is not only the gift of shadows, but also the curse of Seline. It is her will to use it for her own ends. You must decide which side you stand on.”
“I don’t want to be used,” I said, feeling a wave of emotion. “I can’t allow my power to be exploited.”
“But that is exactly what Seline desires,” the figure replied.
“She wants you to join her. She knows your power and your lifeblood. Your existence is a risk to her, but also a great opportunity. Only you can decide your destiny.”
At that moment, my mother’s words echoed in my mind. “Seek your father,” she had said. But what would I find in seeking him?
“Where can I find the Shadow King?” I asked, my voice trembling but firm.
“In the heart of the Shadow realm, where light never penetrates. Only there will you discover the truth about him and your destiny.”
“And how can I get there?”
The figure approached, her penetrating gaze fixed on me.
“The journey will be difficult. You will have to face your fears and sacrifice something precious. But only then can you free yourself from Seline’s curse and your father’s control.”
Kael stepped forward. “And if Alina has to give something up? What will it bring her in return?”
“Power requires a price, young warrior,” the figure replied. “If Alina relinquishes a part of her power, she will gain the knowledge to stop Seline and free the realm. But this relinquishment will change her forever.”
“I can’t,” I said, struggling against the panic rising in my heart. “I can’t give up my power. It’s all I have.”
“But the power you possess makes you vulnerable, Alina. Seline will never leave you in peace as long as you exist.”
I paused, reflecting on the figure’s words. “Something precious... What could I sacrifice? My freedom? My identity?”
“Only you can decide what is most important. The choice will be yours, and its weight will fall upon you.”
The shadows around us moved, as if they wanted to wrap me in a cold embrace.
“Seline must be stopped,” I said, determination growing within me. “And I am willing to do anything to make it happen. But first, I want to uncover the truth about my father.”
“Prepare your heart, Alina,” the figure said, dissolving into the darkness.
“The journey is about to begin.”
With my heart in turmoil and my destiny hanging over me, we prepared to embark on our journey to the heart of the Shadow realm, aware that the truth would be a double-edged sword.

Alina: Light & Shadows
FantasyBorn under a rare alignment of stars, Alina is considered a predestined one: a figure who, according to an ancient prophecy, would bring balance between the Realm of Light and the Realm of Shadows. However, from birth, Alina proves to be anything bu...