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The adrenaline of the performance still pulsed in Jae's veins as he and his bandmates exited the stage, the deafening cheers of the crowd ringing in his ears. He was used to this—a blur of lights, music, and screaming fans—but something tonight felt different. He removed his IEM. Maybe it was the lingering rush of energy... or maybe it was her.

He noticed her the moment he stepped off the stage, framed by the tangle of wires and stage props. She was crouched near the corner, fussing with a makeup kit, her back to him, utterly unaware of his gaze. Her hair, silky and dark, cascaded in loose waves down her back, the soft strands almost brushing against the delicate curve of her waist. Her figure was petite but had a graceful allure—curves in just the right places, accentuated by the simple, form-fitting black outfit she wore. A professional uniform, maybe, but on her, it looked anything but plain.

Something about the way she moved, the small, impatient shake of her shoulders as she fought with a stubborn zipper, drew his eyes to her. There was an odd sense of familiarity in her gestures, as if he'd seen her somewhere before. He couldn't see her face, only the faintest glimpse of a sharp jawline and a teasing strand of hair that kept falling into her view. But the way she huffed and puffed under her breath, lips pouting in frustration as she finally yanked the bag open—it was... endearing. Cute, even.

What was he thinking? This girl had just piqued his interest like no one else had in a long time. And for some reason, he wanted to know her. Wanted to see those lips up close. It was absurd, but as he slowed his pace, subtly letting his members pull ahead, he wondered if it would be appropriate to say something. Would it be weird if he just walked up and introduced himself?

The thought made him smirk slightly, a dimple flashing as he considered it. He was Lee Ryu Jin, after all. He could say hi if he wanted. 

But then reality hit him—there were too many eyes. Even now, he felt the subtle glances from the crew, the managers, the endless scrutiny that came with being an idol. One wrong move, one glance too long, and it could become a headline by morning.

Still... She looked so familiar.

He let out a frustrated sigh, almost about to turn away and dismiss the whole thing as a passing whim, when suddenly—she moved. No, she didn't just move. She backed up.

Right. Into. Him.

A soft, startled sound escaped her lips as she collided with his chest, and his heart skipped a beat. Instinctively, his hands shot out, grasping her slender waist, steadying her. Her body fit perfectly against his for that split second, and everything around them seemed to freeze.

The scent of vanilla and something faintly floral filled his senses, mingling with the warmth of her body, and he had to grit his teeth to maintain control. She turned, looking up at him, and the world seemed to tilt on its axis.

Those lips he'd been fascinated with were right there, parted in shock. And her eyes—brown, almond-shaped, and framed by long, delicate lashes—widened as they met his. Her skin glowed under the dim backstage lights, a smooth, almost creamy glowing tone that made him think of sunlight and warmth on a cold winter afternoon. High cheekbones, a tiny mole near the corner of her left eye, and a slightly upturned nose that made her look both mischievous and sweet... Lord, she was stunning.

He couldn't stop staring. Even after their brief encounter.

He looked down at the makeup brush he was holding.

There was a pretty H  engraved onto the brush handle. H? Was that her name? Company name?

Damn! If only he found the courage to ask her.

He looked back up.

And just like that, she was gone, weaving her way through the chaos as if she'd never been there at all.

Jae stood there, staring after her, heart still racing, his hands still tingling from her warm body where he'd touched her. He didn't know her name. Didn't know where she was from. But one thing was clear.

He'd never forget that laugh.

And he definitely wanted to hear it again.

He heard his name being called and Ahn Ju Won, who was the Maknae of his group ran out and nearly head butted him. As he playfully jumped out of the way avoiding Wonna, as Ahn Ju Won was fondly called. He grabbed his mate in a head lock and dragged him towards the dressing room in a boom of squeals and laughter.

"When Fate intervenes, its like a puzzle piece falling into place, revealing a part of a bigger picture we hadn't known existed. It forces us to pause, reflect and consider our choices, making us wonder if we are truly steering our lives or merely passengers on a journey already chartered by something larger. In those moments, life's chaos and unpredictability don't seem random at all. They feel like a symphony of perfect imperfection, pushing us towards growth, understanding and sometimes a deeper love- for ourselves and others."

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