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The room froze. Jae blinked. "What? Who is that? I don't even—" His words trailed off as the memory hit him. "Wait... that I can explain—?"

Ha Seung was still staring at the post. His heart feeling suddenly heavy and anxious for some reason he couldn't understand

Ju Won's eyes widened as he looked between the screen and Jae. "Wait, what? That's her! JAE!! The Elevator Girl—? We just saw her."

Ha Seung slowly lifted his head to look at Jae perplexed. "The Elevator Girl. How did he know her? Did Jae meet her before the meeting just like he did."

Ha Seung looked back at the picture of her on his phone. Jay was standing close to her with one arm around her waist. She was looking up at him her long hair cascading down her back.

This scandal needed to be sorted out before anything else. He would need to talk to her. Yes! This time he would have a real reason to contact her. To meet her. To look at her.

Would this be an opportunity to get to know her? Although an unfortunate and uncalled for opportunity.

He shook his head, surprised by his lack of professionalism he was suddenly displaying, feeling completely annoyed with himself. But thats what he had been doing ever since he laid eyes on her. Acting annoyingly stupid and childish. He gently put the phone face down on the table.

"Care to explain." Ha Seung spoke in a low voice, looking around the room and finally letting his whole attention settle on Jae.

"No!" Jae shot back, flustered "There is really nothing to explain." Jae knew he had to think fast. "We just— I bumped into her backstage! That's all. Nothing happened!" 

Jae's mind was racing, how was this even possible. The moment with her had been brief. He was aware of the dangers of being photographed, at any moment, being in the public. That's why he let her so fast, even though he wanted to keep holding her so bad. 

"It was normal instinct to grab someone who was falling. Wouldn't you? Or would you let them fall down and break a bone and cause a bigger scandal." He pointedly asked Ha Seung. "Would You?" he asked PR rep who quickly looked down at the papers he was shuffling.

He had to protect her, her reputation. What was he even thinking? He should have walked away. But her pretty face with flowing strands of hair swam before his eyes and his throat felt tight. His stomach in knots. He bit his bottom lip savagely, a deep frown on his handsome face making him look like a sad, lost child.

Han Woo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is not good. It's going to feed the rumor mill even more."

Jung Ha Jun looked nervous again. "Should we add this to the statement? Like, clear it up before it gets worse?"

Ha Seung shook his head. He was seriously drawing a blank.

"No. If we address it now, it'll just look suspicious. Let it die down on its own." He couldn't think straight right now. He suddenly felt almost protective towards her. How did she of all people get tangled up in this mess? He had to come up with something.

Jae sat back, staring at the ceiling, running a hand through his hair. "Great. Just great. First I'm manhandling fans, now I've got a mystery woman on my hands. What next? They'll say I'm retiring?" He wanted to make light of the situation but all he could think of was how to get to her before the journalists. Before she was swarmed and harassed by them. They could make her life a living hell once they get to her.

Sung-min couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh. "Isn't this a real a plot twist?"

Ha Seung gave him a sharp look, though there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. "We stick to the plan. Release the group statement. Keep it focused on the fan incident. We'll handle the rest as it comes."

He looked at the PR rep and nodded, "Can we agree on that." The rep agreed, shaking his head vigorously.

"Jae, you ok? Today doesn't seem like your day, dude." Ahn Ju Won stated, trying hard to hide a smile. "Do you need a band-aid for that heart of yours?"

Ha Seung looked up sharply. A slow flush rising up to his cheeks thinking of the band-aid he offered her.

Jae looked at Wonna and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Then why dont you go give one to her" Ju Won added laughing openly. "I'm sure she will need one after this." He added.

"What is so funny, Wonna, and why a band-aid of all things" Jae asked, a bit irritated with Wonna now.

Sung-min wiggled his eyebrows. "Right, because band-aids are the universal sign of not caring." He said and the boys burst out laughing together.

The only ones not laughing were Ha Seung and Jae. 

"Enough," Choi interrupted, hiding a smirk. "We've got a crisis to handle, and we'll deal with the rest later. For now, focus on getting the statement right. Jae, take the lead on this. And for heaven's sake, stay out of trouble until this blows over."

Jae rolled his eyes, standing up and cracking his knuckles. "Fine. But if anyone so much as breathes in my direction wrong, I'm calling a lawyer."

The group chuckled as they got up, the tension easing, though the crisis was far from over.

Jae was the first one out of the door. "Guys, I need to do something urgently," he called out over his shoulders to the others. And he was gone, leaving the others with their mouths hanging open.

Ha Seung waited for everyone to leave. Walked towards the large window, folded his hands and looked out at the Italian skyline.

This was too serious to ignore. It was not only about her but also about the boys, the label and mostly about Jae's image. This could be blown out of proportion and create a real mess to clean up. It could affect the brand endorsements, the future shows and especially his upcoming solo tour. His first tour as a solo artist. 

Was he this worried because his heart did somersaults each time he thought about her. Would he be this worried if it was any one else? Any other make up artist that was working on the set.

Too much was stake this time. Two scandals in one night. 

A frown appeared in the middle of his forehead, and he looked back at the door behind him and back at the skyline. 

A few mins later he found himself standing in front of her door. :

"What would be appropriate, so as not to offend her." the thought crossed his mind.

He lifted his hand to knock and then he hesitated, unsure what exactly he was there to say or do. He glanced at his watch, it was past  1 am. "Would it be better to call on her tomorrow." He mumbled under his breath. "Or would it it be too late."

Ignoring his brain he found himself knocking on her door.

Almost immediately the door was opened.

Ha Seung's bright smile disappeared as the door opened.

What he saw as the door opened made his heart sink.

"In the strangest, most unexpected situations, fate works its magic. It can feel like meeting someone on a random day who becomes the most important person in your life, or a missed train that leads you to an opportunity you wouldn't have found otherwise. It's as if the universe is constantly rearranging the stars, aligning them in ways that seem like coincidence but are actually moments of pure intention."


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