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Ha Seung got off the lift and walked around the corner with Secretary Lee. His mind was preoccupied. His body stiff with tension. Looking at his watch he spoke softly to Lee, "Which Room is it?"

"606, Sir." Pointing in the direction of the conference room at the end of the corridor. 

Ha Seung nodded, looking up in the pointed direction and slowly stopped walking.  A tiny slim figure in little black shorts was coming out of the hotel room in front of him. A familiar feeling pulled at his heart. That hair. That childlike impatience while trying to lock the door.

That was her. He was more that sure about it. 

She turned her head, one hand on the door knob and looked directly into his eyes, recognizing him. Her eyes wide with surprise.

He didn't know why he felt like smiling and smile he did. He straightened his broad shoulders looking taller than ever. In a few strides he reached her side. She was looking up at him. He thought she looked extremely tired and worn out, yet unbearably vulnerable and beautiful.

He bent his head down so that he could get a good look at her eyes. "So we meet again? Can I call this Fate?" he asked, raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow. Eyes holding a slight hint of humor and something deeper. 

"Excuse me?" she asked softly. 

"I—uh—do you need something?" she stammered, her voice edged with polite confusion, clearly unsure of who he was or why he was standing there.

"Actually... I think you do."

He straightened his back up and reached into his breast pocket and took out another black business card. Taking her hand off the door knob he turned it over and placed the card on her palm. 

Was this desperation to get to know her? To be around her? She might misunderstand. Might think he was a stalker. 

He mentally shook his head, trying to dispel the ridiculous thoughts that were randomly popping up, uninvited. 

He noticed the band-aid on her finger and a wave of warmth swept over him. She could have ignored his request but she didn't. Which means he was right about her. She was someone with compassion. 

"Or she could have really needed it because she was hurt." A small voice said inside his head, trying to make him see reason and not look deeply into the action.

"Consider it an invitation," he added softly, his smile reaching his eyes. "If you ever need a change of scenery."

With a cocky side nod of his head, he headed out on his way.

Hana opened her palm and looked at the card.



So he was the CEO of Glasse Door's Label. Her eyes widened and she looked back over her shoulder. bBut he had disappeared. 

No wonder he had that important air about him. Someone who was used to getting their way. Thats why he stood out in the crowd.

She looked back again in the direction he went, "But what was that?" she thought inhaling through clenched teeth. "That was so random." 

Her stomach growled loudly and she rubbed it vigorously, trying t stop the noise. Luckily no one was there to notice.

Hana shrugged her shoulders and went towards the elevator. She pressed the button to go down to the hotel restaurant, folding her arms she waited impatiently, kicking one foot back and forth like an bored child.

The elevator pinged and she looked up to see the elevator doors open.

The doors slowly opened and there right in front of her was Jae.

"Oh No"

His hands were in the pockets of his black joggers. He had on a white tee with the sleeves folded, showing off the strong muscles of his arms. A baseball cap pulled low over his eyes.

He looked even sexier in casual clothes than on stage. He somehow looked more human here that the Greek God he looked like in his pictures and posts. 

Although there was denying his powerful energy coming through as he looked at her, and she felt a flush rising up from her neck to her cheeks.

They stared at each other for a few seconds which felt like an eternity for her. Her face turning even redder remembering their last exchange.

It was obvious that Jae noticed her flushed cheeks because a small mischievous smile tugged at the comers of his beautiful lips.

Suddenly, he was playfully pushed by someone out of the elevator and she quickly turned her face away. Jolting back to reality.

"He's with the other group members, "she thought to herself, taking a quick glance towards the group, star struck. How could she not be? They were Glasse Door. The number one Pop group trending all over the world. She was a MOL, one of the most famous fandom's in the world.

She loved their music and her Bias was Tae Seo, the sweetest member of the group. He always made her smile with his cute dimples and gummy grin.

The elevator emptied and was about to close so she reached for the button and so did Jae, their hands touching. She felt a sudden shock run through her body and quickly removed her hand. He pressed the button for her, put his hands back deep in his pockets and glanced at her.

"Thank you!" she whispered.

"Huh! I didn't get you."

She look up at his face defiantly. "Thank you" she almost shouted, annoyed again that it was so easy for him to get under her skin.

He licked his lips slowly and bit the lower half.

"Your welcome." He said with a mischievous look in his twinkling eyes.

"Jae, coming?" someone shouted.

"Yeah" he replied and ran off towards the group.

Hana got inside the elevator and pressed the button. Just before the doors closed, a hand popped in stopping the door from closing.

Jae took off his black baseball cap and put it on her head, dragging it low over her eyes.

"Keep this on." He whispered breathlessly. "I don't want anyone to see your pretty eyes."

And just like that the doors closed and he disappeared, leaving her with the smell of freshly washed hair from his cap.

"The beauty of fate is that it makes poets of us all, turning our lives into stories that are richer for the struggles and more vibrant for the unexpected twists. It reminds us that control is often an illusion, and that letting go doesn't mean giving up — it means surrendering to the idea that life's greatest gifts often come unplanned. When fate intervenes, it's as if the universe itself bends a little, reshaping time and space so that, for a fleeting second, everything aligns perfectly, even if we don't recognize it in the moment. Only when we look back do we see that the hands guiding us were never random, but purposeful, bringing us exactly where we were always meant to be."


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