1. Early morning intrusion

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It was early in the morning, but Bucky was already up, and he just got back from his morning run to the apartment he shared with Sam. It seemed like another ordinary day was about to begin, but neither of them were prepared for what was about to come.

While Bucky was at the kitchen preparing his morning coffee, Sam entered rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Look, I know you like to wake up early to go for a run without my, and I cuote: ' annoying commentary', but don't you think that waking up more than an hour before the sun rises just so you don't have to deal with me, is a bit excessive?" Sam said annoyed, while he poured himself some orange juice.

"Samuel, I don't think you understand my need for peace and quiet that I can only have fulfilled when you are sleeping and I am far away enough that I cannot hear your snores" He said while holding his coffee.

"Say's the bionic staring machine, tha-" he is interrupted by a knock at the door.
Bucky went to open the door and was met with two agents wearing sunglasses one holding a folder. He immediately tensed.

"Mr Barns?" said the one who wasn't carrying the files.

"Yes? What do you want?" he was starting to get worried.

"You might want to come with us" again said the women.

"Look, I"

"I'm sorry Mr Barns but this is a highly classified matter and we are in need of your assistance" was saying the man while Sam came to see what was going on.

"What is happening here?" said Sam, that was behind Bucky.

"Mr Wilson, we request Mr Barnes presence immediately at the Raft" Sam's eyes widened.

"Well, what are we waiting for, Bucky grab a jacket" said already grabbing his jacket and one for Bucky.

"Mr Wilson, you weren't-" but she was cut off by Sam already.

"Look, if you want him to go, I also have to go, so, let's go" and he passed right through them and then gestured to Bucky to follow him.

Bucky followed reluctantly murmuring under his breath questioning what was he getting in to.

The agents shared a glance but started letting them out of the building and into the SUV.


The car was a black SUV, with tainted windows and black leather seats, the air was thick with tension, since the agents, once they got into the car, refused to say anything and didn't respond to questions until they were at a location that they deemed 'safe'.

Once inside the car Bucky whispered to Sam "What do you think you're doing?"
Sam gave him a tired side glance, as if this was all obvious to him, and this is a thing that really bugged Bucky, because Sam always believed that he was smarter than him in this types of situations, because he believed that he was more cautious, but in reality most of the time he went in to a situation without a plan, even if he didn't admit it, then Sam looked straight ahead again "Look, I knew that you didn't want to go".

Bucky whispered shouted "Then what are we doing here!"

"Look, two agents come knocking at our doorstep, asking you to come with them and being all secretive about it, aren't you even a bit worried about it?" Sam questioned.

"Yes, I am, that is why I wasn't going to go with them, that is until you came along"

"Well, how did you know that was an option?" Bucky rolled his eyes and sighed at that "No, seriously, and if you could 'not come', who would they go and find then?" Sam asked.

"What are you so invested in something that doesn't even evolve you?"

Sam turned and looked straight forward again, Bucky kept looking at him until he sighed, "Look, you're an ex-HYDRA-assassin, why would the government want you involved in something with so much secrecy unless it was something related to your skill set."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying that we better check this out to make sure it's not something that we should worry about"

With that said, the car stopped and when they got out they saw a helicopter ready to take them wherever they were going.

"Inside we will explain everything to you" said the women for the first time since they had gotten in the car.


"Where are we..." said Bucky while buckling on his seat-belt and putting on his headset.

"The Raft, as we have said before" she took a deep breath, the first time her cold exterior cracked, even if just a bit, she signaled to the pilot to start take off and then looked back at him, "Mr Barns, we have recently apprehended two experiments left behind by HYDRA in an abandoned base, they appear to have blipped, like you're self and Mr Wilson."

Bucky and Sam exchanged a glace as the helicopter was taking off, "Okay, so what do you want from me?".

He didn't know where this was going, if they were truly dangerous, they had already been apprehended, and he didn't believe they were sending him in to identify them, he had been out of HYDRA for a long time now, and he didn't know most of the things they were doing, so why him?

"Mr Barnes, are you aware of the experiments that HYDRA conducted?"
Bucky knew that she was just trying to ease him into whatever she had to say, but she had to be kidding to ask him that, she had to be joking, he was literally one of their experiments! "Yes, I am aware, and, I don't know if you know this, but I was one of them".

"We understand Mr Barnes, but for this specific individuals, it is important that you are aware of this" she took a deep breath, "Look, Mr Barnes, I'm not going to drag this on much longer, but the experiments that we have apprehended, by the files that we found, they are your children".

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