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I was falling, so fast. My vision was black and I was reaching out to grab something, but then my back hit the ground.

I opened my eyes, panting, but saw I was on the floor of my bedroom.

I grasped my body to feel for any damage.

I was in perfect condition.

“The fuck?” I cursed.

I stood up, and my blanket fell off of me and onto the ground.

“How am I not dead?.... did I… dream that whole thing?” I asked myself.

I stood up and put my slippers on. Then I opened my door, and stepped out into the hallway.

“Dammit, what time is it?” I said, as I opened my door again and looked inside towards the clock.

It was almost noon.

I closed my door again, then walked into the common area.

“Everyone should be training by now, but I am too shocked to do anything.” I thought to myself. 

“Bakugo where have you been?” 

Startled, I turned around and saw shitty hair.

“Sleeping.” I responded quickly.

“You never sleep in, is something wrong?” He said, stepping closer to me.

“Where’s Izuku?” I asked.

He paused for a moment and stared me down, then he spoke again.

“He’s uh, doing the extra training the both of you were supposed to be doing today.”

“Right.” I responded.

“What the fuck is going on?!” I screamed in my head.

I started walking, to go see Izuku. I needed to find out what was going on.

It felt so real, but it has to be a dream, there is no way I could’ve experienced his death twice, and kill myself, then wake up in my bed like nothing happened.

“Hey Bakubro, wait up!” Shitty hair yelled, as he followed me.

“Fuck d’ ya want?” 

He sped up his walking to be right next to me.

“Let me come with you, I want to make sure you are ok.” He says, as he continues to walk beside me.

“Don’t ya have studying to do?” I asked him.

“Yeah, but that can wait. My friend is more important than studying.” He said, with a stupid smile.

I scoffed and looked away from him. Then I started walking faster, shortly making it to the training grounds.

And there he was.

I watched as he flew through the air, back and forth, practicing his blackwhip.

“Oi, Izuku!” I yelled at him.

He immediately stopped what he was doing to look at me.


“Get your ass over here!” I yelled, as I waved my hand.

He retracted his blackwhip, then flew to the ground, slowly walking towards me, as if me asking him to come, was a joke.

“Yes, Kacchan?” He asked, genuinely confused.

I signalled him to come closer.

He took another step.

I sighed.

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