What's New?

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A message/update from Manager EstrangeloEdessa.

With this issue, I was simply full of apologies. 

It turns out there is something terrifying about being a manager and having responsibility. I let a few messages go unanswered for a bit longer than I should have, then felt guilty about that, and knew that looking at my inbox would make me feel even more guilty, so I avoided it, so then there were even more messages going unanswered, and... you see where this vicious circle is leading. Suffice it to say that this was meant to be our Spring issue, and instead it's coming out now: Mid-Summer. 

But! It is coming out! And it is quite great! We're welcoming several new staff members with this issue, as well as several new columns. We also have a much handier way of crediting our talented writers, thanks to Wattpad's updated tagging system, so be sure to use it. This means that if you like an article, it's super-easy to head over to that writer's profile and check them out!

So thank you for your patience, loyal readers, and please enjoy our 5th-ever issue of Watt A Nerd Magazine!

Watt A Nerd Magazine Vol. 2. Iss. 3 || July 2015Where stories live. Discover now