Listen [10]

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He couldn't deny the fact that his subconscious was dancing at the rhythm of his heart beating like the beats in Rihanna's Please don't stop the music when he did see her in the Cd store the next day.

She was dressed in blue skin tight Capri pants and a Navy sweatshirt. Her head was sheltered by a red beanie and her hair was side-braided. This is it, his subconscious mind said to him as he walked towards her. But found himself walking beside her instead when her head rose.

She couldn't deny the fact that it was almost impossible for her to remove her eyes of him. No matter how much she tried to distract herself from his thoughts, a sense of joy had crept inside her at the sight of him. Travis.

He fumbled through the Cds on the box until he absentmindedly picked out 3OH!3 from the box and almost waved it at her direction, as if he wanted her to see it.

Oh, she saw it alright.

Like always, he held the headphones and heard from one ear while she listened to the song from another.

Finally, when the song came to an end, he put down the headphones and looked at her, who wasn't looking back at him but down at the Cds, her fingers fumbling through them.

"So, um," She looked up. "Have you listened to Frank Sinatra?" He said, trying to look cool.

He thought that she might give him a glare or ignore him completely. Or worse, she hadn't heard him. But she smiled a little and nodded. Then she buried her fingers in the Cds and picked out a Cd, holding it towards him. He picked it up in his hands. It was Jesse McCartney's album Right Where You Want Me.

"Uh thanks." He said, a small smile plastered on his lips. "I'll check it out." She gave a small shrug and an open-mouthed smile before walking away. On her way, she saw Buzz looking at her and grinning from ear to ear and she showed him a playful middle finger and he fake gasped and placed his hand on his chest, causing her to chuckle silently at the doorway.

As soon as she was gone, he looked at the Cd and ran his thumb through the dusty glass. This was the only talk they had that day. Maybe, He thought before walking away too.

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