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Alfred's POV

"Master Alfred! Master Alfred!" Robert said as he rushed into my office. "What is it?" I asked in a confused tone. "Its Mistress Louise. She was taken."

"What!" I stood up quickly and heavily placed my hands on the table in front of me.

"Haven't I told you to guard her?" I said angrily as we ran towards her room. "But master Alfred..." Before he could finish I spoke. "Save the excuse for later. Louise is our first priority." Then I opened the door to Louise's room. "No." I walked inside her room and noticed a rose with a piece of paper on her bed. I read the message. "Meet me outside the town."

(I know this place.)

After I read the message I immediately ran. "Master Alfred where are you going?" Robert said and he followed me.

Louise's POV

"Where are you taking me! Get your hands off me!" I said as we floated in the air. "If I let go of you, you will fall and die so please stay still." Zero said as we flew.

After a few minutes we landed on the ground. "Ugh!" He threw me to the ground. "What did you do that for?!" I said angrily and I stood up and I looked around. "A rose garden?" I said a I walk towards the bushes of roses. "This place is not just any rose garden." He said as he looked at the moon with nostalgic eyes.

(Is this Zero? He looks so sad.)

"Now all we have to do is wait for Alfred." He looked at me and smiled. "Oh speaking of the devil." I looked at the direction he was looking at and saw Alfred and Robert running toward us. "Alfred." Before I could go nearer Zero held me from behind. "You got my message faster than I thought." Zero said and he smirked. "Well this is the only rose garden outside town." Alfred said. "Now let go of her."

"Not yet." Then Zero bit me and sucked my blood. Then he gently placed me on the ground. "Here's the game. She lost too much blood and the only way to save her is to turn her into a vampire. Of course you have to get through me and what I mean is you have to kill me. We won't use our powers to be fair, we will use swords." Zero said and he removed his sword from its sheath. Then Alfred took Robert's sword. "Game on." Then Alfred attacked first. He ran towards Zero and he swung his sword. Zero avoided it and swung his sword behind Alfred.


"Aah!!" The sword hit Alfred from behind but his wound immediately healed. Alfred attacked again and their swords clashed. They both stepped back and attacked. Alfred 's sword slashed Zero's chest and he stepped back but before he could ready himself, Alfred ran towards him and pierced his sword on Zero's chest. Then he removed his sword and Zero collapsed on the ground. Alfred approached me and bit his wrist. "Here drink it." I took his wrist and drank the blood. "Aah." I screamed in pain and I felt that fangs started to grow from my mouth.

(I'm a vampire now.)Then Alfred helped me stand up, then Zero suddenly spoke.

"I envy you Alfred. You managed to save your lover while I was too late." Zero said and tears poured from his eyes. "I wonder if she is mad at me if we see each other in the afterlife."

*Zero's past*

"That old man. I hate him." Zero said as he walked through the forest. "Huh?" Then he saw a girl running through the forest. "Hey wait!" Zero called her but she kept running. Then Zero came out of the forest and saw a rose garden. "Wow. Its pretty." Zero said and he tried to pick a flower. Then the girl slapped his hand. "Don't pick them!" The girl shouted. "Sorry." Zero said and he hid his face. "Who are you anyway?" The girl asked. "Zero. Zero Christophe. Nice to meet you. How about you what is your name?" Zero asked as he faced the girl. "I'm Lorraine Anderson its nice to meet you, too."

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