Preference - Who Asked Who Out

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Noel: He asked you out after choir one day. That Saturday, he showed up at your house around 18:00 (6pm) with your favourite flower. You walked around the local park and got ice cream at the mall where Noel works.

Ricky: You asked him out spontaneously on a day choir got cancelled. You got to know him a little better, despite his inability to speak, and you became quite close friends.

Mischa: He asked you out in the middle of a performance. It was towards the end of the last so g when he leaned over and said "Want to go out with me after?" You nodded quickly, and met him outside after the performance ended. He didn't have a car (or a license, but that wouldn't stop him), so you drove to the movie theatre and watched Saw 5. He bought you dinner afterwards.

Jane: (Alive au, but somehow still Jane idk) You asked her out after a choir rehearsal. She didn't understand at first, but after you explained it, she seemed happy! You took her to your favourite diner for lunch the following Saturday. She had pancakes with whipped cream. You bought her a stuffie afterwards.

Ocean: She asked you out for a study date. You went to the library and read for hours before you convinced her to take a break. You got dinner from Taco Bell, successfully annoying Noel with your presence, and went home. You had to stop her every two minutes from picking up a textbook.

Constance: She quietly approached you after class one day and handed you a flyer for a baking class before nervously asking if you wanted to go with her. You went and made chocolate cupcakes with strawberry icing. She made red velvet cupcakes with chocolate icing. Afterwards, you went to her house and binged your favourite show while you ate cupcakes until you couldn't eat any more.

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