Oneshot - The Fight

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A/N: I'm sorry for updating less this week. Last week was Fall Break and school's kind of a lot right now. Idk if I will have a consistent update schedule, but I will most likely update more on weekends.


Mischa set his phone down, cautiously walking up the stairs to the basement door. As he reached the top, the banging stopped as if whoever was outside knew he was there. He opened the door to see Ocean, in a light blue zip-up hoodie and grey sweatpants. It was his first time seeing her out of uniform.

She walked into the basement, slamming the door behind her. "Get down there," she said, eerily quiet. Mischa did as he was told, not turning his back to the younger girl as she comes down the stairs.

"Don't you EVER make fun of my hair again, got it?" She takes a step toward him. "This is your warning. You don't get another one."

"Shouldn't you rehearse for next concert? I'd hate for you to mess up 'Shape Of You'." Ocean swings at his face, even angrier than before. Mischa dodges the blow, smirking. "That all you go-" Ocean cuts him off with another punch, this one going right to his nose. "AH, SHIT!" he shouts, holding his injured nose. "Why did you do that?!"

"I told you not to make fun of my hair. If you do it again, it'll be your eye next time."

"Is joke. Did I really upset you?" Mischa wipes away the blood on his face, looking at his hand afterward. "Shit, Olivia (his adopted mother, idk I thought of a random name) will think I am murderer... hey, it is almost same as your hair!" He smiles, forgetting his injury for a moment as he holds his hand close to Ocean's hair.

"What. Did you say?" Ocean asks, sounding dangerously annoyed.

"I said, is almost same as your hair. The colour is similar." He smiles, showing her. "See?"

The door opens to reveal a worried Noel, who comes down the stairs just in time to see Ocean punch Mischa in the eye. "Ocean, what are you doing?!"

The fruity little twink man runs over and drags Ocean away from Mischa as Constance comes running into the basement, followed by Jane slowly helping Ricky get down the stairs. She holds Ocean while Noel goes to check on Mischa.

After Ocean has calmed down, Constance, Ricky and Jane take her to get ice cream, leaving Noel and Mischa alone. Noel goes upstairs to get the first aid kit.

Chatfic — Aftermath picks up here.

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