04. Unfamiliar Territory

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.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

In exiting Mrs. Smith's office thankfully I wouldn't leave with a broken nose. But it had begun to bruise. And to stop the bleeding she'd bandage it and give me Tylenol.

But despite her rather aggressive behavior, she was a sweet woman. She'd tell me to come back for more pills after lunch and I'm looking forward to it.

I am thankful for the pills she'd given me before I left because the headache I'd gained from my clumsiness wasn't as bad as it should have been. And now I try to retrace my steps back to the administrative quarters and fail terribly.

I regret not fully paying attention when I followed Ryan and his girlfriend earlier. I had been so worried about getting caught and my thoughts instead of saving myself some trouble in the future.

I wasn't lost in the school but in the corridors. It was like a maze in here. I am unsure how many times I've circled the field but I know it was more than twice.

I had begun to grow frustrated at my loss of direction but I wouldn't let this tiny setback halter my goals. I'd recount my steps, looking down at the pavement in search of anything familiar on the ground to tie me back to the administrative quarters. And to my luck, I bump into something again ... something unfamiliar and strong. I am almost knocked to the ground because it's a student I bump into.

"I'm so sorry!" He quickly apologizes. I look up to a pale boy with brown hair ruffled and messy as if he were in a rush. And really, there isn't much assumption by the look of his clothes. They were extremely wrinkled and his blazer was thrown over his shoulder as his hands were filled with books. 

The first thing that comes to mind is a snarky comment but I withhold it at his state. I pull a piece of my hair behind my ear, shaking my head, 

"No, No I'm sorry for getting in your way," I say.

The boy nods, going to walk away after we exchange brief smiles. When he's gone behind me I think that is the end of our conversation but surprisingly he calls after me,

"Hey! Are you new?" He asks, jogging back up to me. I furrow my brows, "Yeah ... why?"

The boy shrugs, shaking his head as his face flushes,

"I just haven't seen you before."

Silence falls between us both as I wonder what he was implying and why he came back. And due to his appearance, did he have somewhere to go? Or am I wrong and he just naturally looks like that?

I thin my lips, reluctantly letting out an awkward laugh, "I kinda have somewhere to go ..." I say, pointing my thumb behind me.

"Where?" He asks, which furthers my suspicion. Why does he care?

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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