Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Harley's POV

I stood in front of the towering glass building of Storm Enterprises, my fingers nervously twisting a strand of my long brown hair. I was trying to calm my racing heart, but it wasn't easy. This place was like nothing I'd ever seen before—sleek, modern, with its glass walls glinting in the sunlight. It felt like stepping into a different world, one that I wasn't sure I belonged in.

Taking a deep breath, I smoothed my hands down the front of my worn-out blazer. I was painfully aware of how out of place I looked, but this was my chance to start over, to prove to myself that I could make something of my life. I couldn't afford to mess this up. Not after everything I'd been through.

I ran a hand through my hair again, feeling the soft waves brush against my shoulders. My hair was the one thing I liked about my appearance—it was a rich, deep brown, almost black in certain lights, and it fell in thick curls that I never quite knew how to tame. It framed my face in a way that made me look softer, less like the world had worn me down.

My skin, a dark shade that seemed to glow under the sun, bore the marks of my past. It was sun-kissed and warm, like a reminder of all the places I'd been, all the times I'd had to pick myself up when life had knocked me down. People used to tell me I had the kind of skin that looked like it held the sun within it, and even though I'd never believed them, I liked the thought of it. My eyes were brown too—plain, ordinary, or so I thought. They didn't seem special to me, but they were sharp, always watching, always noticing the little details that other people missed.

As I walked through the entrance, my heels clicking against the polished marble floor, I felt  every eye in the room turn toward me. The lobby was vast, filled with people who looked like they belonged in a high-powered corporate world—sharp suits, expensive watches, confident smiles. And then there was me, with my second-hand blazer and the nagging feeling that I didn't quite fit.

I was here for one reason: to secure a job that could finally give me the stability I craved. I didn't have family to lean on, no one to call if things went wrong. I'd been on my own for a long time, ever since my parents had left me to fend for myself when I was just a teenager. It wasn't easy growing up knowing that the people who were supposed to love you the most had walked away without a backward glance.

But I wasn't going to let my past define me anymore. Today was the first step toward a new life, and no matter how intimidating this place seemed, I was determined to make it work.

I made my way to the reception desk, where a woman with perfectly styled hair and a bright red lipstick smile greeted me. She looked like she had never had a bad day in her life, and I felt another wave of self-consciousness wash over me.

"Hello, I'm Harley," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm here for the interview with Mr. Storm."

She gave me a quick once-over, her smile never faltering, but there was something in her eyes that made me feel like she was sizing me up. "Ah, yes, Miss Harley. Mr. Storm is expecting you. Take the elevator to the 25th floor. His assistant will guide you from there."

I nodded, mumbling a thank you before heading to the elevators. My fingers trembled slightly as I pressed the button, the reality of what I was about to do sinking in. This job wasn't just an opportunity; it was a lifeline. I needed this to work. I needed something to finally go right in my life.

The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, and I stepped inside, my reflection staring back at me from the mirrored walls. I saw a woman who was trying her best to hold it together, to look confident even though her hands were shaking. I straightened my blazer, took another deep breath, and whispered to myself, "You've got this, Harley. You're stronger than you think."

When the doors opened on the 25th floor, I stepped out into a different world entirely. The space was sleek and modern, all glass and steel, with large windows that offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline. The air smelled faintly of polished wood and expensive coffee, and I could hear the quiet hum of voices from offices beyond.

I barely had time to take it all in when a voice called out my name. "Harley?" I turned to see a man standing there, his eyes scanning me with a mixture of curiosity and something I couldn't quite place. "Mr. Storm is ready to see you."

My heart skipped a beat as I nodded and followed him down a long hallway. The closer we got to Aaron Storm's office, the more my nerves kicked into overdrive. What kind of person was he? All I knew was that he was powerful, rich, and completely out of my league in every possible way. I'd heard rumors about him, whispers of his brilliance and his reputation as a ruthless businessman who never backed down from a challenge. But there was also something else—something that people didn't talk about as much, a mystery that seemed to surround him.

The man opened the door to Aaron Storm's office, and I stepped inside, feeling like I was walking into the lion's den. And there he was, standing by the window with his back to me, the light from the outside casting his tall silhouette in a golden glow. He turned around slowly, and the moment our eyes met, I felt something shift inside me.

Aaron's gaze was intense, almost like he was searching for something in my eyes. His dark hair was perfectly styled, his suit tailored to fit his muscular frame. But it was his eyes that held me captive—so blue and piercing, like he could see right through me, past the walls I'd built around myself.

"Miss Harley," he said, his voice smooth and controlled, but there was a hint of something else there, something that made my skin tingle. "Thank you for coming in."

I nodded, unable to speak for a moment. There was something in the way he looked at me that made me feel exposed, like he could see every vulnerability I'd tried so hard to hide. It was unnerving, but at the same time, I couldn't look away.

"Please, have a seat," he said, gesturing to the chair in front of his massive desk. I sat down, trying to ignore the way my hands were trembling slightly in my lap. Aaron moved to sit across from me, his eyes never leaving mine, and I felt like I was under a microscope, like he was studying every inch of me.

"So, Harley," he said, leaning back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. "Tell me why you want to work at Storm Enterprises."

I opened my mouth to speak, but all the rehearsed answers I'd prepared seemed to fly out of my head. All I could think about was how his eyes seemed to be pulling me in, holding me in place. I took a deep breath and forced myself to focus.

"I'm looking for a place where I can grow," I said, my voice steady despite the chaos inside me. "I've spent most of my life trying to find where I fit, and I believe that with my skills and determination, I could be a valuable asset to your company."

Aaron's smile grew, just a fraction, but it was enough to make my heart skip a beat. "I like that answer," he said, his eyes still locked on mine. "But there's more to it, isn't there?"

I hesitated, not sure how to respond. There was something in his gaze that told me he already knew. That he could see the truth I was trying to hide—the desperation, the hope, the fear of being rejected yet again.

"Yes," I said finally, my voice barely a whisper. "I need this job. I need a chance to prove myself."

He nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful, like he was weighing my words carefully. "You're honest," he said. "I respect that. And I appreciate someone who isn't afraid to be real with me."

I felt a flicker of hope, a small spark that maybe, just maybe, this would be my chance to start over. To build something for myself. I met his gaze head-on, refusing to look away even though every instinct in me wanted to retreat.

"Alright, Harley," he said, his voice softer now, almost gentle. "Let's see what you're made of."

And in that moment, as I sat across from Aaron Storm in his intimidating office, I felt something shift inside me—a determination I hadn't felt in years. I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip through my fingers. No matter how scared I was, no matter how out of place I felt, I was going to fight for this. For the first time in a long time, I was going to fight for myself.

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