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The wedding had been nothing short of extravagant, as expected of a union involving the Charlotte Family. Grandiose decorations, endless amounts of food, and an air of celebration filled the halls of Whole Cake Chateau. But now, it was quiet. The festivities were over, the guests gone, and the newlyweds had retreated to the privacy of their bedroom.

Katakuri sat at the edge of the bed, his tall frame casting a shadow across the room. He was still dressed in his formal attire, though the jacket had been discarded. His mind was filled with thoughts that swirled faster than he could process, but he kept his gaze steady, watching the woman sitting on the opposite side of the bed.

His wife.

She was munching on a slice of cake, completely at ease as she indulged herself. Her long hair fell over her shoulders, framing her face as she smiled through bites of the dessert she had brought with her from the reception. She had a knack for baking, though her methods were... chaotic, to say the least. Her bakery had burned down so many times that it had become something of a legend. Yet every time, she rebuilt it with stubborn determination, as if the flames themselves couldn't break her spirit.

Katakuri had found himself visiting that bakery more often than he intended, drawn to the strangely comforting atmosphere she created—despite the constant threat of another fire. He wasn't quite sure what had pulled him in initially, but once his mother, Big Mom, had taken notice of his visits, things had escalated quickly. Before he knew it, he was married to the very woman who couldn't seem to keep her bakery standing for more than a few weeks at a time.

Now, here they were. On their wedding night.

She licked a bit of frosting off her thumb, then turned to him, smiling as if this were the most natural thing in the world. "You want some?" she asked, holding out a piece of the cake toward him.

Katakuri stared at her, his usual stoic expression in place. "I don't eat sweets before bed."

She giggled, taking another bite of the cake herself. "You're missing out. This one's perfect—didn't even burn the edges this time."

A small smile tugged at the corner of Katakuri's mouth, though he quickly hid it. The truth was, he found her constant mishaps oddly endearing. She wasn't like anyone he'd ever met. Unpredictable, stubborn, and impossibly cheerful despite the countless disasters that seemed to follow her. But there was something about that reckless energy that drew him in—something that made him want to protect her, even from herself.

She sighed contentedly, setting the plate aside and stretching her arms above her head. "I still can't believe we're married," she mused, her eyes wandering around the room. "Never thought I'd be spending my wedding night like this. But hey, at least the cake's good."

Katakuri raised an eyebrow, glancing at her. "What did you expect?"

She tilted her head, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe something more... romantic?" She leaned in slightly, a playful smirk on her lips. "You know, like one of those stories where the couple can't keep their hands off each other."

Katakuri felt heat rise to his face, though he quickly masked it with a cough. "I don't think you'd find that in any story about us."

She laughed softly, the sound light and carefree. "Yeah, you're probably right." She settled back against the pillows, her gaze softening as she looked at him. "But that's okay. I like the way we are. It's... comfortable."

Katakuri's chest tightened at her words. Comfortable. It was such a simple thing, but it was something he had rarely felt in his life. As the Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates, he was always expected to be perfect, to carry the weight of his family's expectations without faltering. But with her, he didn't have to be anything other than himself.

He shifted slightly on the bed, unsure of how to respond. "You don't mind?"

"Mind what?" she asked, turning her full attention to him.

"That I'm not... like other men," he said quietly, his voice steady but laced with an unspoken vulnerability.

She frowned, sitting up a little straighter. "What do you mean?"

Katakuri glanced away, his eyes narrowing as he struggled to find the right words. "I'm not... affectionate. I don't know how to be."

Her frown softened, and she reached across the bed, gently placing her hand on his. "Katakuri," she began, her voice filled with warmth, "you don't have to be anything you're not. I married you because I like who you are. Not some idea of what a husband should be."

He looked at her then, his sharp gaze meeting hers. For a moment, the tension in his shoulders eased, and he allowed himself to feel the weight of her words. She didn't expect perfection from him. She didn't want it.

"You don't think I'm... strange?" he asked, his voice low.

She grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, you're definitely strange. But I like that about you."

Katakuri's lips twitched, and this time, he didn't fight the smile. It was small, barely noticeable, but it was there.

For the first time in a long time, he felt... content.

She scooted closer to him, still holding his hand, and rested her head against his shoulder. "You know, this might not be the most romantic wedding night," she said softly, "but I think it's perfect."

Katakuri glanced down at her, his heart beating steadily in his chest. He had never imagined himself in a situation like this—married to a woman who was as chaotic as the flames that always consumed her bakery. But as he sat there, feeling the warmth of her presence beside him, he realized that maybe this was what he needed. Someone who didn't see him as a monster, or as the perfect warrior, but as a man.

He lifted his free hand, hesitating for just a moment before resting it gently on her head. She smiled against his shoulder, and for the first time that night, Katakuri allowed himself to relax.

Maybe, just maybe, this strange and unexpected marriage would be more than he ever hoped for.

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