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The streets of Skypiea were often quiet, with only the occasional rustling of the wind and distant voices carrying through the clouded islands. Enel, the self-proclaimed God of this realm, stood high in his palace, surveying his kingdom with a bored expression. His power was absolute, his dominance unquestioned, yet something deep within him stirred—a strange feeling he couldn't quite place.

It was then he first heard it: the sound of a voice, soft and clear, cutting through the air like the purest melody. A voice that carried emotion, tenderness, and something that tugged at his heart in ways he hadn't felt before. Enel's sharp blue eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued.

He traced the voice down to the streets below, where a young woman sang, her long dark hair falling into bangs that covered her eyes. He couldn't see her face, but her voice captivated him. Enel found himself drawn to her day after day, watching from afar as she sang to the people of Skypiea, never once caring about his divine gaze upon her.

When they finally met, Enel found himself both enchanted and frustrated. Her beauty matched the music in her voice, but her bangs—those infernal bangs that covered her eyes—bothered him deeply. Yet he said nothing, keeping his irritation hidden behind a smile that never quite reached his eyes. He didn't care to admit it, but he had fallen for her.

He began to visit her in secret, listening to her sing up close, though he never once revealed the depth of his feelings. To him, she was a treasure, something pure in a world he considered beneath him.

Until the day everything shattered.

A group of people had insulted him—mocked his power, questioned his rule as God. Enel, never one to tolerate defiance, struck them down with a single blast of lightning, reducing them to nothing more than smoldering remains. It was only afterward that he learned one of them had been her brother.

The look on her face when she found out was unlike anything he had seen before. Rage, grief, and betrayal twisted her delicate features into something foreign. And yet, despite her fury, she had smiled. A haunting, heartbroken smile that sent chills down his spine.

Without a word, she climbed to the highest point in Skypiea, her steps steady despite the storm brewing in her eyes. Enel watched her from below, a growing sense of unease creeping over him.

Then, she began to sing.

Her voice, once so sweet and tender, was now filled with venom. It rang out across the skies, carried by the wind to every corner of Skypiea, and with it came a song unlike any she had ever sung before—a song mocking the very God she had once loved.

"God who sits upon his throne of clouds,
Are you not yet satisfied?
How many lives must you swallow whole,
Before your hunger dies?"

Her voice cut through the air like a blade, each word laced with scorn. Enel's eyes widened, his hands curling into fists as her words echoed in his ears.

"God, you who vomits poison,
You hide behind the clouds so high,
Why not reveal those fangs of yours?
Show us how you truly die."

She was mocking him—mocking his power, his divinity. He could feel his rage building, the crackle of lightning forming around his body as he stared up at her. But something about her voice, her words, held him in place.

"Little weed of life,
Bloom in the shadow of death,
Sing for your God, your precious ego,
Are you not satisfied yet?"

Her song twisted the knife deeper, her voice now almost gentle, as if caressing him with every word of mockery. And then, her voice lowered, almost like a whisper, filled with emotion that broke through the storm.

"Kill them all, dear God of mine,
I'll love you just the same.
For you are my dear, my beloved God,
And I'll bear your name in flame."

Enel's heart clenched painfully in his chest as her song reached its peak, the weight of her words crashing down upon him. She was calling him out, daring him to strike her down as he had done to so many before. She didn't care. She had already lost everything. She would love him anyway, despite it all.

And then came the thunder.

A bolt of lightning shot from the sky, striking her where she stood, the brightness of it blinding for a moment. Enel's breath caught in his throat as he watched the woman he had loved fall.

Silence fell over Skypiea, the song ending with a deafening stillness. The clouds above swirled, dark and foreboding, but there was no movement from the highest point where she had once stood. Her fate remained unspoken, her body hidden by the veil of clouds and rain.

Enel stood frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest as the realization settled in. He had struck her down. The one person who had ever made him feel anything beyond his own power. The one who had dared to love him, even in defiance.

And now, she was gone.

The god of Skypiea, who had never known guilt, now stood alone in the aftermath of his own destruction, haunted by the memory of a song that would never leave him.

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