Chapter 1: Lessons

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Author's Note:

Hello Readers and little children of all ages....Guess who's back?

That's right Caitlin and Camille are back for another round baby!! This is the sequel to The Captain and his Cabin Boy story; The Twin Rubies.

Now for those who haven't read the first story, you can go ahead and click on my user name and find The Captain and his Cabin Boy on my stories list. I recommend it it's a good read and it's a pirate AU of Gravity Falls. Lots of mystery and adventure and very interesting to read.

For those who have read the previous installment, I am very excited to show you guys what Camille and I have created. As always this was done by Role Playing with Camille as Captain Bill and I (Caitlin) as Dipper Pines.

So without further adieu, here is the first out of many chapters for The Twin Rubies.

Happy Reading!

~Chapter 1: Lessons~

After their adventure on Isle de Rosa, Captain Bill Cipher and Dipper Pines returned to the Golden Eye with a bag full of treasure in hand. And they returned out to sea once more. Dipper had a big smile on his face glad that he was back on the ship and his new home.

Bill walked up behind Dipper, putting a hand on his shoulder with a big grin. He breathed in the fresh air as the wind whipped his hair around wildly. "It feels great to head back to sea," he said. "Don't you think Pine Tree?"

Dipper looked up at his captain, matching his grin. "It sure is, sir," he replied. He looked at the sea blue water "I think we can both agree that the ocean is far better than land."

"Aye!" Bill agreed, giving him a rough pat on the back. "That it is!"

Dipper winced a bit but kept the grin on his face "Aye." He breathed out.

Bill exhaled deeply, looking out at the sparkling ocean.

Dipper glanced up at Bill smiling to himself. He began to think of the past few days with him on the island how they grew a slight connection. Then he remembers Bills surprising secret "Captain..." He whispered

Bill heard the tone in his voice and looked down at him curiously and raised an eyebrow in question.

"...You need to know how to read, sir." Dipper whispered so that the other crew members wouldn't hear but him.

Bill started in surprised and slapped a hand over his mouth. He looked around quickly to make sure no one heard, then hauled Dipper with him into the captains quarters.

Dippers eyes widened slightly and shuffled his feet when Bill pulled him inside. He placed his hand on Bills arm and tried to pull his hand away from his mouth.

Bill swung the door closed quickly when they got in and let go of Dipper. "Okay, rule one predicament. Never, and I mean NEVER, speak about it in front of my crew." He huffed.

Dipper turned to face him and he nodded quickly in understanding "Yes sir." Dipper said

Bill put his hands on his hips and leaned back, letting out another nervous huff. He ran his fingers through his mop of blonde hair and grinned at Dipper. "So you think you're up to seriously teaching me how to read and write?

Dipper smirked at him and folded his arms "I'm up for any challenge, Bill," he replied "The question is are you up for it?" He teased

"Oh-hoho!" He chuckled with a grin. "I'm up for any challenge!!"

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