Chapter 4: A Chance in Acceptance

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New update to the story!!

Now the updates on chapters will be a little slow due to the amount of work Cam and I have to deal with. I won't go into specific detail but it's just COMPLICATED.

But yeah, enjoy the new chapter.

~Chapter 4: A Chance in Acceptance~

The next morning, Dipper stirred in his sleep, his head lulling to the side of the soft pillow. He felt like he was awake. But at the same time the pounding headache in his brain told him to not open his eyes. He groaned in pain.

A loud snore emanated from Bill as he lay asleep hunched over his desk, his head resting in his folded arms on the wooden surface.

Dippers eyes snapped open when he suddenly heard a snore. His eyes darted to Bill over at his desk and he sighed in relief, glad that it wasn't anyone else. But as he thought...he realized that this was the captain's cabin. He looked down at the comfy bed 'Did I sleep in here?' He thought. He hissed when his head pounded again and he clenched his head 'And what the hell happened last night?'

Bill snorted and he shifted in his seat slightly, before resuming back to snoring.

Dipper glanced at him to see the many papers on his desk. 'He wasn't kidding when he said he researched...' Dipper thought. He slowly sat up in the bed and rest his back against the wall. He felt so sick all over. He remembered vaguely ordering a rum...but he forgot how much he drank.

Bill shifted in his seat and groaned softly, slowly sitting up and rubbing his neck. His eyes were still closed from morning sleepiness.

"Bill..." He whispered out and groaned after him. He held himself in his arms as the hangover got worse.

Bills eyes snapped open as he looked at Dipper, surprise briefly lingering on his face. "Oh Pine tree!" He exclaimed with a grin. "I forgot you were here, how did you sleep?"

Dipper winced at his loud voice and he managed to bring one hand to his eyelids, rubbing the outsides gently. "I guess it was ok...though I feel like I have the worst of plagues..." He muttered

"A hangover will do that to you." Bill replied with a grin.

"It hurts like hell...what happened last night?" Dipper asked softly, daring to open one eyelid to look at Bill.

"You had too much to drink," he replied, stretching in his seat.

Dipper groaned, holding his head in his hands "I'm a moron..." He whispered

"It happens to the best of us."

"And yet you can hold yours well..." Dipper said.

"I've been drinking much longer than you, if I have enough I will know in the morning." He replied.

Dipper slowly nodded in understanding. It was like getting hit with a sledgehammer constantly after you wake up. "Didn't you say something about a mirror last night?" He asked as the thought came into his head

Bill perked up. "Yes! I read it in.. Oh hold on." He said as he rifled through the mess on his desk until he found a certain book with a light blue cover and faded white lettering. He picked it up and scooted his chair back so he could stand and walk over to Dipper. Bill held out the book in his hand and grinned. "In here."

Dipper stared at the book in his hand and he lifted his hand to grasp onto the book. He looked at it closely and read the title out loud "Myths of the Sea?" He looked up at Bill.

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