Chapter 2: Shattering Jewel

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Hello everyone! Long time no see huh?

Terribly sorry for the delay, school has been a little bit of a b***h these past few months and it's really hard to stay on top of things. Hopefully I can make frequent updates to this story and finally take a load off as the weekend rolls by.

Anyhoo, Thank you guys for supporting the story. Cam and I really appreciate all the reviews and favorites we get from you guys and it really means a lot to us you have no idea.

Enjoy this new Chapter!

~Chapter 2: Shattering Jewel~

Many more days passed and the crew eventually stopped giving him a hard time. Bill had suggested that they begin to hold their lessons at nighttime so as to avoid more trouble.

As the days went by however, Dipper began to feel worse and worse than he ever experienced. He was finishing his duties a lot slower then usual and he only showed himself to Bill during his lessons in the Captain's quarters. There was one night in particular as Dipper stood by Bill's side that his expression had shown sadness and grief.

Bill was writing down simple words when he finally stopped the pencil. "Alright Pine tree, it's time to talk." He said firmly.

Dipper jumped a bit when he suddenly talked and he looked at him "What do you mean?" He asked slightly confused.

The man scoffed at him and folded his arms. "It's obvious you aren't doing well. You rarely speak to me

now and just now you looked like you just killed a puppy."

Dipper bit his lip in embarrassment. He didn't speak for a minute. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said softly, playing dumb. In truth he really didn't know why he was feeling so empty. He felt as though his very soul was breaking into tiny pieces.

Bill paused before sighing and leaning forward. "I'm not stupid. " He stated bluntly, yet his tone gave away an emotion that he rarely showed; sympathy. "If a member of my crew is not well, it is my duty to make sure of their well being. Now, what is wrong?"

Dipper held his arm as he looked down at the floorboards. He took a moment to address what he was feeling into words. Dipper took a deep breath and looked up at Bill, his eyes showing great emotion that he was no longer able to block. "I can't help but feel that there is something wrong, Bill," He said. "Like...there is something missing..."

Bill's gaze on Dipper never wavered as he kept listening.

"I don't know how to explain it," Dipper shook his head. "It's this feeling of emptiness...ever since that night when I got cornered."

Bill paused and shook his head angrily. "Damn them, but Pine tree, you've faced much worse then my men." He said the sentence as if it was a question rather than a statement.

"Aye I know, Bill," Dipper replied, placing his hand behind his neck as he thought. "After that happened, I began to feel as though I'm falling apart...slowly...yet painfully." Dipper hated to admit anything this deep to his feelings to Bill. In fact, he never liked to admit it to anyone. All he did was bottle them up inside...until the bottle shattered.

Bill leaned back and thought quietly to himself. Dipper wasn't the strongest man on board, but he could still holds himself up well enough. Why he was feeling this way however, Bill had no idea. It wasn't normal for anyone to feel like this unless something traumatic happened, but he couldn't fathom what could possibly have triggered the boy.

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