Chapter 5: Falling Stars

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Hi everyone! A new update is finally here!

Now I will point out that updates will be slower than usual just to clear things up. I'm happy that you guys are liking the story and want to see more I just want to tell all of you that I will update when we are done writing the chapter and when I have time to do it. This story will keep going until Cam and I create an ending that will seem fit for this story.

Just wanted to clear it up again. Enjoy the new chapter!

~Chapter 5: Falling Stars~

That night, Bill was sitting alone in his cabin. He was leaning against the back of his chair with his feet kicked up on his messy desk, covered in research. Bill tried massaging his own aching shoulders, but to no avail. The rocking of the boat normally helped lull him to sleep, but tonight it was no help. He exhaled heavily as he pushed himself off his seat and walked over to the door, opening the heavy oak door and walking out into the night. Bill breathed in the fresh air as he walked over to the mast, leaning against it heavily.

Somebody else had been outside with him but she was sitting by the helm on the stair railing. Wendy couldn't sleep that night either, so all she was doing was throwing an apple up into the air and catching it back on her palm. Her eyes shifted when she heard a noise come from on deck and she let a smirk crawl to her lips. "Can't sleep, blondie?" She mocked as she kept tossing up and catching her apple.

He peered over at his shoulder and smirked. "Nope, I'm assuming you can't either Red?" Bill inquired back.

Wendy grinned at him and climbed off the railing "Why else would I be out here when it's this late?" She twirled the apple in her fingers.

Bill huffed. "Are you sassing your captain?"

"I would use a different word than that, blondie." She teased as she walked slowly over to him

"Like what?"

"Hmm I'll let you figure that out." She winked at him. She held out the apple to him "Hungry?"

He took the apple with raised eyebrows and took a large bite.

Wendy smiled a little and leaned against the mast close by him. She looked up at the sky "It's also a nice night out here." She said softly

Bill nodded slowly then looked at Wendy, suddenly noticing how close she was. He cleared his throat and hummed in response, before climbing up a rope ladder to the top of the mast. "I want to show you something," he began. "Follow me"

Wendy looked up at him confused. But she nodded and followed him up the ladder, wondering what he had in store.

He reached the top and began to walk out, sitting down on the edge. Bill smiled down at the top of her head as Wendy came up. "Watch out for that rope there"

Wendy rolled her eyes "I can handle myself," she said but she payed mind to what he said. She made it to the top and easily walked across the mast, sitting down next to him. "So what is it exactly that you wanted to show me?" She asked

Bill looked up at the stars. He sat quietly, letting the silence sink in for a moment. "This." He replied quietly before leaning back and falling back, hooking his legs around the mast and hanging upside down, a laugh escaped his lips as he did this.

Wendy's eyes widened when he fell back and her breath cut short thinking he was going to fall. Then her eyebrows furrowed when he was just hanging down by his legs. "Is there a purpose for this?" She asked, feeling stupid to be fall for his shenanigans. He was nuts.

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