Chapter 28 - I will love you 'til the end

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Monique's POV

I was laying in bed reading my books

One of my fave is this fanfiction called "The Bet"

It was already almost evening.

I really miss my big sister Zoella

And uncle Niall

I hope they get married soon, Ha!

Why do they even take long to do it

I really don't know why but it's their business and life

And i'm just a 10 year old girl who still watch a bit of cartoons

After i got bored reading i turned upside down on my bed

And it was a bit weird tho.


"Ahhh!" I screamed

It was Zoella!

"Zoella! You're back!" I hugged her tight

"I missed you Monique" she hugged back

"I missed you too Zoella!" I smiled at her

I heard an Arf Arf by the door

"Awww... A puppy!" I ran towards the cute puppy

"Where did he come from?" I asked

"Dubai, Niall bought him and he's name is Disney" Zoella smiled

"Ohh Disney! Dreams do come true haha" i joked

"Where's uncle Niall?" I pat Disney's top head

"I heard my name so Wassup Monique?" Niall said swaggy style

"Ohhh Uncle Niall!" I laughed

"How are you Xhainester?" Niall asked

"Doing fine! Howabout ye?" I stood

"Good" Niall answered

"How's Dubai?" I asked

"Hmmm... enjoying and a nice place they got especially the beach" Zoella sat on my bed

"Wait, what's this?" Zoella grabbed my pocket book

"That's my pocketbook i found that in the drawer and it's a good drama love story" i carried Disney and sat beside Zoella

"Ohhh... May i read after?" Zoella asked

"Sure!" I blurted

Niall sat beside me

They both yawned

"Awww... both of you are sleepy, i think you should get some sleep" i giggled

"You sure?" Zoella raised an eyebrow

"Yes." I said surely

"Okay then, see you tomorrow love" Niall held on Zoella's shoulder and headed to the door

"Bye!" I waved

Disney jumped off and followed Zoey and Niall...

"Okay back to being bored." I pouted

Zoella's POV

"Bye Mum, see you tomorrow me and Niall are going to have some rest" i hugged my mom

"Okay Sweetie take some rest" my mom kissed my forehead

"Bye Mum! Goodnight!" I headed to the door with Niall

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