An Undiscovered world that is yet to be discovered and made.
Dark energy filled the void of space and time many years ago, and the multiverse was felt. One of the strongest beings created the multiverse with light, and all the dark energy creatures...
As Kei was still flying through space, she had a fists crashing to each other and attacks being fired from everywhere. Kei quickly rushed to that direction of the attacks, she saw her alliance members but no sign of commander Teri anywhere. she tells herself that Commander Teri can be managed by his own with his armies.
Kei quickly flows to her alliance members which is not that far away from her. As one of the chaos creatures where about to punch one of the Stra's men, kei quickly flow just in time to delivery a massive kick behind one of the chaos creatures head and sending both of the chaos creatures flying.
As no one could believe who they are seeing standing in front of their eyes. At first they could not tell if that is Kei or not but as soon as Kei looked at them and said something, they instantly knew that is Kei standing in front of them in their eyes but they have never seen Kei with a new transformation nor a new base appearance as she has become a new person to them.
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Everyone started rushing to Kei and started crying and asking her where she has been all this time, Kei tells that them that Her and her friend was inside The World dimension realm training under them for twenty-four months (three years on earth) and The World has pushed both her and her friend reaching a New power of level that they have never achieved.
Stra's Elite: "So Kei was that your new power that we sensed over here or was it your friend's power that we sensed from here? because all of us sensed a massive power reaching us all the way here"
Kei: "No, that wasn't my power that you guys sense from here that was my friend Ignis power that you guys were sensing from here. Ignis push herself even further with her transformation that she even got carried away there for a moment, when I and her were training with The World one last time before we came here to aid you guys in this battle."
"It was my first time seeing Ignis pushing herself to a new height in power and reaching a new transformation that I haven't seen her use or transform before. me and The World were surprised by Ignis' massive power that she was putting in her transformation.."
No one knew that Ignis was hiding a massive power in her. As those two chaos creatures that Kei punched making their way to them. Kei tells everyone to be on their guard because the chaos creatures are coming toward them with a sonic speed.
As one of the chaos creatures was making his way to Kei direction, Kei did not have time to react that fast so one of the chaos creatures grabbed her and hold her very tight while both of them went to another side of the same universe where Kei's alliance members are there.
As Kei was punching and kicking him on his face and stomach, he managed to let go of her. Kei was putting a lot of her power into those punches and kicks of hers and causing him a lot of pain to his body.