Chapter 4

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As Tom arrived, he scanned the area for any sign of trouble. His eyes landed on Jeanna, who stood with a relaxed posture, yet he could sense the adrenaline radiating off her.

"Everything okay?" he asked, his voice low but steady.

Jeanna smiled, feeling a rush of accomplishment. "More than okay. I got what we need," she said, subtly tapping her purse where Morales's phone lay hidden.

Tom nodded, the urgency in his eyes sharpening. "Good work. Let's get out of here and regroup."

As they slipped back into the throng of guests, Jeanna could still feel Morales's gaze on her, a mix of admiration and suspicion. She kept her head high, engaging in small talk with various guests as they navigated through the crowd.

Simon's voice crackled through her earpiece. "I'm in the phone's system now. There's a lot here, but it's going to take a few minutes to sort through everything."

"Just keep an eye out," Tom responded, glancing around to ensure they weren't being watched. "We'll head toward the exit."

Jeanna caught sight of Morales as he stepped out from the alcove, his expression shifting as he noticed Tom. A flicker of realization crossed his face, but Jeanna maintained her composure. "You two look like you're having fun," he called out, a hint of challenge in his tone.

"Just enjoying the night, Diego," Jeanna replied, her voice smooth. "You should join us sometime. We could use someone who knows how to navigate the inner circles."

Tom shot her a questioning look, but she merely winked at him, signaling that they were fine.

"Maybe I will," Morales said, his interest piqued. "But let's hope our paths cross under different circumstances."

Jeanna felt a shiver of anticipation. "I'd like that. But tonight, I have some business to attend to." She turned to Tom, allowing him to guide her away, all while keeping Morales in her peripheral vision.

Once they were a safe distance away, Tom leaned closer. "What did he say?"

"Just some typical bravado," she replied.

They slipped into a quieter corner of the venue, where they could plan their next move without attracting attention.

In her earpiece, Simon's voice interrupted. "I've got a location. The shipment is scheduled to arrive tomorrow at a dock near the city. They'll be loading it under the cover of night."

"Great. Let's get out of here. Simon how's our exit?" Tom said, leading the way back toward the shadows.

Simon's voice crackled through their earpieces. "I have eyes on you. The extraction point is secure. You'll have a clear path once you're ready."

"Good. We'll head up to the Kitchen exit," Tom instructed. "Let's keep it quiet."

They slipped inside through a side door.

Jeanna broke the silence, her voice low. "Do you think we got everything we need?"

"More than enough," Tom said, his expression focused. "With Morales's intel, the British government can intervene before the shipment gets out. But we have to stay sharp. We're not out of the woods yet."

Outside the kitchen exit, Tom glanced around, ensuring the coast was clear. The black limousine pulled up smoothly to the curb, the driver stepping out to open the door. Jeanna, Tom, and Simon climbed in, the soft leather seats and quiet hum of the car offering a stark contrast to the whirlwind of the past few days. The doors shut, and for the first time in what felt like forever, the trio let out a collective sigh of relief.

As the limo pulled away from the hotel, Simon reached into a small compartment, pulling out a bottle of champagne. “Well,” he said with a grin, “I think this calls for a toast. We pulled it off.”

Jeanna laughed, leaning back into the seat as Tom reached for the glasses. He poured the champagne, the bubbles rising in the flutes as he handed one to her, then to Simon, and finally kept one for himself

Simon raised his glass first. “To a job well done and, for once, no one’s in the hospital.,” Simon started, raising his glass with a cheeky smile. “And to us, the best team in the business.”

Tom chuckled, clinking his glass against Simon’s. “To making it through in one piece,” he added with a glance at Jeanna, a knowing smile crossing his face. “And to Jeanna—our secret weapon.”

Jeanna shook her head, smiling as she raised her glass. They clinked glasses, the sound light and bright in the quiet of the limo. The champagne was cool and crisp.

Simon leaned back, grinning. “I still can’t believe when Jeanna went in for Morales.”

Tom chuckled, leaning back as well. “She handled him like a pro. Not that I expected anything less.”

Simon smirked. “Yeah, but it was close. That look on his face when you got his phone—classic. He had no idea.”

Jeanna laughed, her eyes flicking over to Tom. “You were watching the whole time, weren’t you?”

Tom shrugged with a smile. “Of course. Had to make sure everything went smoothly.”

Simon leaned in with a mischievous grin. “More like you couldn’t take your eyes off her.”

Tom shot him a sideways glance, ignoring the comment. “We all know the mission wouldn’t have worked without all of us playing our parts.”

As the limo pulled up to the hotel, the soft glow of the city lights reflected off the sleek black vehicle. The driver opened the door, and Simon was the first to step out, stretching as he took in the cool night air. Tom followed, with Jeanna close behind, the three of them silently exchanging glances as they headed toward the hotel entrance.

The clink of their glasses still echoed in their minds, the celebration now tapering off into a comfortable silence. They entered the lobby, the opulence of the space greeting them with polished floors and towering chandeliers, but none of it registered after the long mission.

As they reached the corridor that led to their rooms, Simon let out a quiet sigh, his usual grin replaced with the exhaustion of the day. “Please don't wake me tomorrow,” he said, giving them a wave before slipping into his room.

Jeanna and Tom continued down the hallway, side by side. The plush carpet muffling their footsteps until they reached Jeanna's door.

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