Chapter 1

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The soft hum of the audience buzzed in Jeanna de Waal's ears as she stood backstage, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. The theater was alive, the spotlight illuminating the stage where she had just delivered her final lines. The applause echoed, and for a moment, she felt like any other actress basking in the thrill of performance.

But as the curtain fell, reality pulled her back. Jeanna slipped behind the heavy velvet drapes and made her way to the cramped backstage area. Actors rushed past her, exchanging congratulations and hurried words, "You were it girl!" someone shouted. "You really nailed that final scene!" Jeanna offered polite smiles, but her focus was elsewhere. She had poured everything into this performance, and now all she wanted was a much-needed break. As she navigated through the narrow corridors lined with props and set pieces, she tried to shake off the feeling. 

As she pushed open the side door, the sight hit her like a wave. Hundreds of fans crowded the barricades, their excited voices filling the cool night air. Phones flashed, illuminating the dimly lit alley, and cheers erupted the moment Jeanna appeared. Some had been waiting for hours, holding posters, photos, and Playbills, eager for even a brief interaction with the star. Their energy was palpable, and the excitement in their eyes was overwhelming.

"Jeanna! Jeanna, over here!" screamed one fan from the front row, frantically waving a sharpie and a poster of the show. Others joined in, their voices blending into a chaotic chorus of calls.

Jeanna forced a smile, her stage persona slipping back into place. She moved toward the crowd, taking a few moments to sign autographs and pose for photos. The fans surged closer, pressing against the metal barricades in an effort to get a glimpse of her up close. She could feel the weight of their admiration, and as grateful as she was, her mind kept darting back to home.

More fans began pushing their way toward the front, desperate for attention. Jeanna did her best to acknowledge them all, but it was becoming more difficult as the crowd swelled. Security guards hovered nearby, watching the surge closely. "One more picture, please!" a fan called out, pushing a phone forward. Another pleaded, "I've been waiting since noon—just one autograph!"

Jeanna, ever professional, gave them what they wanted, her hands moving quickly as she signed more Playbills and smiled for more selfies. But even as she worked the crowd, she could feel the shift in the air. The low hum of a vehicle engine reached her ears, growing louder as it approached the alley.

A sleek, unmarked van rolled into view, headlights cutting through the crowd, which barely took notice of its arrival amidst the frenzy. But Jeanna's focus shifted. Her heart quickened.

Suddenly, the side door slid open, revealing a familiar face. Tom Cruise leaned against the frame, his signature smile flashing in the low light. "It's been a while, Jeanna."

For a brief moment, the fans were still focused on her, but then—like a spark igniting a fire—someone in the crowd realized who had appeared beside her. A murmur rippled through the group, and in an instant, the energy in the alley exploded.

"Tom Cruise! It's Tom Cruise!" someone shouted from the crowd, and suddenly, the sea of camera flashes turned in their direction, no longer just on Jeanna but now capturing both of them. The excitement doubled, voices rising in a chaotic mix of awe and disbelief. Phones were raised higher, and the alley lit up as if the night had turned into day, the flashing lights bouncing off the brick walls.

Jeanna's heart raced. The growing commotion made it clear that her exit was about to become much more complicated.

"Tom, is this part of a new movie?" one fan yelled. "Jeanna! Are you two working together?"

Surprised, she stepped back. "Tom, what are you doing here?" Tom, who didn't lose his cool for a second had his smile stayed in place, but his eyes flicked toward the van, signaling that they needed to move—now.

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