Harry Imagine

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You’re sat in a coffee shop waiting to meet Harry. You’re nervous because last night you’d gone to a party where he’d gotten pretty drunk. You’d got him back to his house and as you’d put him to bed he’d grabbed you by the scruff of your top and kissed you, it had been messy, sloppy and had left you feeling a little disappointed. He walks in and orders his coffee sitting next to you instead of opposite you.
Harry: "I’m so sorry about last night."
You: "Forget it, yeah." He turns so that he’s facing you, the actions forcing you to look at him.
Harry: "I really am. I was out of order and trust me I have not planed our first kiss to be like that." You look at him shocked by his words.
You: "You’ve planned our first kiss?" You stutter. He looks away embarrassed.
Harry: "Yeah, sorry, it’s just you know the end of the year dance, well I wanted to then, I should have kissed you, but I didn’t and well..." He looks towards the outside world looking a little lost, a small sigh omits from him.
Harry: "I’ve thought about how I would kiss you and last night wasn’t it." You look away this time, processing what he’s said.
You: "What did you have planned?" He looks at you, leans in, his breath hitting your face, already your stomach is knotting with anticipation, he closes the gap, his lips pressing gently against yours, as you respond, he slips an arm round your shoulder pulling you across the booth closer to him. Your hand goes to the side of his face finding a loose curl to play with. He runs his tongue over your lips, allowing him entry, he pulls you closer still his free hand running through your hair, you break for air, and he simply looks at you.
You: "Much better than last night." His mouth curves into a beaming smile.
Harry: "Much more like a planned too." You look up at him.
You: "Shall we go somewhere we can do it again but in private?" He nods and you abandon your coffees.

A/N - So I didn't update yesterday. Here's why...My dad has something wrong with his tooth where the whole right side of his face is swollen.  It's an abcessed tooth. My uncle had it a few years back. My dad said you can die from it. My uncle had one so bad that he passed out on his living room floor. I've said a lot of mean things about my dad behind his back. For many reasons, but I don't feel like talking about it. Now that reality has hit me and I realize that my dad could die from this, I can't stop thinking about it. Also, my grandpa is in the hospital because of his heart, I think. We visited him yesterday. If I lose either one of them I will seriously die. As much as he makes me mad, he's still my dad and I don't know what I would do if I lost him or my grandpa. I just hope they both stay alive.

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