Chapter 6: The Kidnapping 2.0

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Orm sipped her coffee, her expression unreadable as she kept her eyes on the tablet, reading the latest news and gossip. "Amusement park? Really?" Lingling said while joining her for breakfast, her tone was a little concerned.

"Yes, the girls will be joining too," Orm replied casually, not looking up from the tablet.

Lingling raised an eyebrow. "Can you go to more discreet places? It's crowded, and security will be difficult to manage."

Orm's gaze flicked up, her voice sharper than Lingling expected. "Hey, if you think crowded places are too much for you to handle as my bodyguard, maybe you should reconsider your job."

The sudden coldness in Orm's tone took Lingling by surprise. Just yesterday, Orm had been teasing and affectionate, but now she seemed distant. Lingling felt a pang of confusion and hurt. Why the sudden change?

"I understand," Lingling said, trying to keep her tone professional. "I shall follow you to the amusement park then, but you need to be in my sight at all times. No wandering off without me."

Orm's eyes softened slightly at Lingling's formal response, but she didn't say anything more. Lingling, meanwhile, couldn't shake the strange feeling. She wondered what had caused the shift in Orm's demeanor, but she resolved to focus on her duty for now.

Lingling's phone rang as they sat at the dining table, and she answered it quickly, her brow furrowing slightly in concern. "Hello, Milk? Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice steady but tinged with worry.

On the other end, Milk's voice was hesitant. "Nothing's wrong, sis, I just... I already spoke to Mae, but I wanted to ask if you'd be okay with something..."

Lingling's expression softened, sensing Milk's nerves. "What is it? You know you can tell me anything."

"I... got a job interview in Bangkok," Milk said, her voice uncertain. "But I'm worried about Mae. She's doing better, but I don't want to leave her alone..."

Lingling smiled gently, her voice reassuring. "Aunt Pam is there to take care of her, right?"

"Yes," Milk admitted, though she still sounded unsure.

"Then take the job, Milk. You don't have to stay behind just for Mae. I'll be back to take care of her once my job is done here, so you don't have to worry."

As Lingling finished her conversation, Orm, who had been silently listening from across the table, suddenly put down her tablet. She reached out, grasping Lingling's hand. "What do you mean, you're going to go back once your job is done?" Orm's voice was low, but there was an edge of tension to it.

Lingling blinked, a bit startled by Orm's sudden question. "I'm here to protect you until Thanakorn Wongsuwan is caught," she explained simply, unsure of why Orm was reacting this way.

There was a brief pause. Then, without another word, Orm threw her napkin down onto the table and stormed out of the dining room, leaving Lingling sitting there, confused and concerned.

Lingling watched Orm storm out, utterly confused by her sudden reaction. She glanced down at her hand where Orm had briefly touched it, then sighed softly. She hadn't meant to upset her, but clearly something was bothering Orm more deeply than she had realized.

Lingling stood up, about to follow her, but paused, considering whether giving Orm some space might be the wiser choice. However, her instincts told her this wasn't just about the job. There was something more.

After a moment of hesitation, Lingling decided to follow. She found Orm standing by the large windows in the living room, her arms crossed, staring out at the garden with a frustrated expression. Lingling approached cautiously.

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