Chapter 5

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Xarina walked through the woods, her mind racing. She needed a new alliance, but she couldn't rely on it too much.

The Desert Duo? No. She might be able to trust Grian, but not Scar. Joel? Maybe. He was a bit too chaotic to tell. The Crastle folk? Yes, Xarina decided. Cleo and Bdubs seemed trustworthy.

But how to convince them? She had just been kicked out of an alliance, what did she have to offer?

Then Xarina had an idea. She was incredible at lying. She could offer her services as a spy. But would they trust her? She would find out the answer to that question soon enough.

-Time Skip-

Xarina took a deep breath in, staring at the door to the Crastle. "Can't go too badly, can it?" She said before knocking on the door.

"Hello? Who's there?" She heard a voice call from the other side of the door.

"It's me- Xarina." She made sure all her weapons were safely put away in her inventory.

The door opened fully. "Oh, hi Xarina!" Bdubs exclaimed cheerfully. "What brings you out here?"

"Uh, actually it's..." She started, unsure how to phrase it. "I'm here to talk about an alliance." She fumbled through the sentence.

Bdubs seemed to smile more if that's even possible. "Great! Come in, I'll get Cleo." She stepped in, looking around at the interior.

"Nice," Xarina commented.

"Thanks," Cleo said, coming down the stairs with Bdubs. "Now, what was this about an alliance?"

Xarina smiled tentatively. "I was wondering if I could join your group?"

Bdubs and Cleo glanced at each other. "Yeah sure, why no-" Cleo elbowed him.

"What do you have to offer?" Cleo questioned, making an oof noise when Bdubs elbowed her back. "What could you bring to the team?"

Xarina took a deep breath. Here we go. "I'm offering my services as a spy, should you ever need them."


I'm not doing that to you, I'm mean but not that mean

"Why not?" Cleo said. Bdubs did a fist pump, and Cleo lightly slapped him on the arm. "Welcome to the team!"

Bdubs grinned. "So what was the point of elbowing me?"

Cleo snorted. "You can't answer for the both of us." Bdubs started to protest, and she said, "You had already answered, I assumed I knew what you wanted."

Bdubs sighed in resignation. "Yeah, I guess." He perked up. "Any ideas on who to spy on?"

Cleo thought for a moment. "I'm thinking... Ren."

A/N: Good evening/afternoon/morning! I hope you enjoyed it, I had a stroke of inspiration and decided, 'You know what? Screw my writer's block, I need to write this'

But uh... yeah. I'm not dead. Sorry for the large gap. Also, I'm thinking of making a oneshot book to keep my motivation up.


Geez, thanks.


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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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