Lucy (part 4)

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( C: the picture will make sense once you read the story) INCLUDES S*X, CURSING, AND OTHER STUFF

With Lucy

Hopefully Tim is done with the military and is now in the LAPD. I met a nice guy named Emmett. At least he is better than my ex. Well hopefully I get into the academy since I applied already 🤞🤞. I want to get into the academy and be able to be in the same station as Tim so I am able to apologize to him about our stupid fight in 2018. (Yes i do keep track of the years) But every time I think of it thy bring back memories. Waiting for an answer from the academy. Stay safe Timothy.

Timothy's POV ( Tim is 29 while Lucy is 27)
I miss my best friend Lucy, but now i met a new girl Isabel. She does UC and we met one night at the bar. I'm gaining feelings for her but I have to wait until her UC is over to ask her out. Me and Lopez have gotten closer we now consider each other as BFF's but she will never replace Lucy. Sargent Grey is like a father to us. Caption Anderson is so sweet towards us. I met Grey's wife once Luna she is so sweet and she checks on us every week. Well, I still miss Lucy and I hope her life is going well.

3rd person POV

G: Okay guys! listen up. Me and caption Anderson are going to ride with one of the P2's today.
An: Im going with Lopez today
G: I'm going with Bradford. Ok everyone stay safe! Bradford set up the shop I will meet you out there in a few.
T: Yes sir!

Out on patrol

G: Bradford I have a question
T: Ask away
G: One of the people who applied to the academy sent me a email asking how you were. You might know her?
T: Name?
G: Lucy Chen
Tim suddenly pressed on the breaks so hard that Grey said.
T: How the fuck does Lucy know that I work here?
G: um maybe bc there is a website for this station that mentions all the people who work here and she is allowed to look?
T: oh......
G: What is it spill.
T: She was my best friend ever since we both were in foster care but then we had a big fight before i went into the military and since then we lost contact but I still wish her to be safe and even made my locker combo her b-day.
G: thats sad and touching at the same time. I will tell them to let her into the academy. You might be able to make up sooner then you would have thought
T: thanks sarg
Unknown to Tim, Grey made sure that Lucy was able to be n the same station as Tim once she finished the academy.

While checking my emails I saw one from the academy place. I opened the email and was greeted with
( The picture will make sense now)

Dear Lucy Chen:

Congrats!! You were accepted into the police training academy. Training will start on 6/15/ 29 please report to this address : 1234 Benjamin Lane ( Fake address) to start your training. It will be 6 months but you only come every other day.
Congrats again, LAPD training academy

I cant believe it!! I GOT IN!! YAY! I have a little bit over a week to prepare ( its 6/6/29) I cant wait to be able to make up to tim


I cant wait to get home and watch football. UGH today was a very tiring day. 3 felonies, more then 10 parking tickets and a few misdemeanors, and 2 fights between couples.
*phone notification*
Oh its from Isabel.

Isabel: hey! my UC is finally done do you want to meet up for drinks tonight?

Tim: Sure! Where we thinking of meeting?

Isabel: Los Toures?

Tim: Sure! Lets meet at 8?

Isabel: Sure! See you there sexy

Tim: Ok little sexy girl

After getting home I finally changed to something comfy but also looks suitable for a date. Soon I drove to Los Toures and met up with Isabel :)

T: hey sexy you look pretty
I: I can say the same about you

Time skip again bc im not writing out an entire date night thing

Its not like what 10:30? Im not rlly drunk but isabel on the other hand is very intoxicated and I don't want her to go home. Soo I drove her to my house and lay her down in my guess room. Before I had time to react, she kissed e on my lips and we ended up doing s*x until the morning. I fell asleep at what 3 AM?


I : TIM?
T: wat in a very tired voice
I: Did we do it last night?
T: what you talking about
I : well first of i think we did cause WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WITH ME RN AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE IN YOUR ROOM?
T: oh shit, but its fine i had a crush on you ever since i met u. Do u want to be my gf?

I told Emmett this morning that i got into the academy and he was happy for me and he was going to support me though the highs and lows. So then we kissed each other but he had to go to work as he was in the LAFD. I spent the day at the gym since i had to gain endurance. Coming home, I made dinner for the 2 of us and we discussed me being in the academy. We had some wine and we got a little too drunk. I passed out before Emmett and he decided to have some fun with me and I woke up with so many hickeys n my body.

E: huh?
E: oh umm maybe???
E: tbh i dunno i was drunk remember?
L: oh yea. Well anyways get up before u are late to work
E: fineeeee
L: Have a good day babe.
E: You too baby. :)

WORD COUNT: 1054 I have some big plans for this story even though we are only on part 4

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