Chocolate Milk and Unpleasant Meetings

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"Now if we could welcome our new Head Boy and Girl, along with their prefect team to the stage." Miss Grayson said into the microphone.

It was the first assembly of the new year at Eastwood Academy, the air buzzed with anticipation as students whispered excitedly to each other, the year 7's looked up in awe, as we made our way up to the polished wooden stage, that gleamed under the bright stage lighting.

As I carefully climbed the stairs up to the stage to join the growing line, I felt a huge sense of pride. I had done it—I was Head Girl! The pride was quickly squashed when I saw Noah Wilson approaching the stage. He was the new Head Boy, and with a scowl on his face that could freeze time, I could see that we still were not on good terms.

It had all started in year 10. Noah and I had never really had any reason to bump into each other; until then. We had shared no lessons and had never been in the same form which was not unusual; most people could go their whole school life without ever meeting people in the same year. On that fateful morning, I was on my regular early morning run. It was around 6:30 am, and normally nobody else was awake at this time, as breakfast was not until 9 am. As I was running round the main buildings on campus, I looked down at my watch as I rounded the sharp corner of the chemistry building, and I came face to face with Noah and one of his best mates, Julian Palmer.

Julian was on the first rugby team, and he played incredibly well. Not only this, but he had a huge passion for English which really shone through, not only in lessons, but in wider discussions as well. He was well known for tutoring the lower years, who quickly began to look up to him. He was a team player, and he quickly gained respect from both staff and students alike.

Noah was holding two glasses of chocolate milk in his hands that he and Julian had clearly snuck into the kitchen for. As I came hurtling around the corner I crashed into Noah, sending him sprawling to the floor, the chocolate milk splattering us both. His once white shirt brown with the milk. Julian stood there, mouth agape in shock.

"You-you bitch!" Noah shrieked.

I quickly scrambled up, dusting myself off awkwardly.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! That was completely my fault for not looking where I was going" I stumbled, out of breath, offering my hand to help him up.

"Damn right it was" he grumbled waving my hand aside. He stood up gingerly, looking down at the damage, before muttering a quiet 'fuck' under his breath, and turning to me. "This shirt was brand new! You've ruined it." he cried I dismay.

I eyed the stain; it spread from his chest, all the way down his torso, with some of the milk splattered on his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Julian pulling a face like he was trying not to laugh. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, I said, "Once again I'm so sorry."

"I'll pay for it to be dry cleaned, or for a new one if you want." I offered.

Noah took a breath, and opened his mouth to speak, but Julian interjected.

"That won't be necessary." he said with a kind smile, before taking Noah by the arm and steering him back to the main school and the boys' dorms.

I stared after them until they became just two figures in the distance. Shaking my head, I carried on with my run around the winding paths of the academy.

According to Julian, the chocolate milk had completely ruined Noah's white shirt and would not come out no matter how much he washed it. I felt awful for what had happened, but there was nothing that I could do, the damage .

This led to Noah glaring every time that he saw me, and me looking away in embarrassment. Over that year, his glaring lessened, or I just got used to it. I'm not too sure, but I no longer felt mortified every time that I saw him in passing.

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