Part 7(Everything in the pass)

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I suddenly sat up in bed at the sound of Mila's alarm clock. Her alarm clock would raise the dead. I hit the mute button on her phone, it was half past eight. After yawning and cleaning my eyes, I turned to Mila, who was sleeping as peacefully as possible. She really is a strange person:
- Mila, - I nudged her.
- Mmmm..
- Your alarm wakes up everyone around you except you, - I laughed and shook her harder.
- I woke up too, - she turned to me, - good morning.
- Good morning, - I nodded and got out of bed.
A busy day ahead.
I washed my face in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Since yesterday, my hair has become a bit puffy because I went straight to bed after taking a bath. Mila had already said goodbye to aunt, I just texted her to wish her a good day.
I put moisturizer on my face, brushed my lashes with mascara and applied a little gloss to my lips. Finding a brush in my bag that was still unloaded, I combed through my hair. I will need to set aside a day to unload the items, as it seems that the companies are also open on weekends. Saturday morning used to start at the flower shop and now I have to travel to the company.
After leaving the bathroom, Mila was no longer in bed. It looks like the coffee maniac is already making cups of coffee.
I found a black suit of separate parts from the suitcase. I think today is going to be a black day and so is my mood. Hehe.
I also found a black tank top, as well as underwear.
When I got back to the bathroom, I got everything ready and I was satisfied with the look, only the belt was missing. When I returned to the room, I also found it in the suitcase. After putting everything in place and fastening the belt, I left the room:
- You look great honey, - Mila placed the coffee cups on the table in the living room.
- Thank you, - I smiled. She was still in her pyjamas, - don't you wanna to get ready? - I sat down on the sofa next to her.
- A little later for me, today Olivia will be later, - she drank her coffee.
- I understood, - I nodded and drank my coffee, - I was told to be at nine o'clock, - I looked at the clock on the wall, which showed eight to ten.
- Your hot boss? - Mila laughed. I rolled my eyes.
- No, - I took a sip of coffee, - Jimin, - it was strange to talk about him.
- And he... - her words were interrupted by the ringing of the phone in the other room.
I put the cup on the table and walked over to my phone. "My friend 💜" flashed on the phone screen. I don't even know what I am... Jimin.
- I listening, - I answered putting the phone to my ear.
- Good morning, - his morning voice was brisk. A shiver ran through my body.
- Good morning, - I nodded, although he didn't see it. Mila entered the room.
- Is this your hot boss? - she didn't try to say it quietly. I shook my head.
- Is it Mila? - Jimin's voice changed. He spoke coldly.
- It's...
- Come downstairs in ten minutes. - he interrupted me and hung up the phone angrily.
I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at Mila. He had definitely heard her.
- It was Jimin, - I sighed and she covered her mouth with her hand.
- What did he say?
- He ordered me to go down. - I muttered to her and found my handbag, which was on the dresser. I put my phone in and looked around to see if I had forgotten anything else. There were my earrings on the table by the bed, I put them on.
- Ordered? - she frowned when I looked at her.
- Mhm, - I nodded. - wish me luck, - I passed her into the living room. I drank the last drops of coffee and put the cup back on the table and went down the hall.
- Try to avoid him. - Mila came to me. I put on high heels.
- How do I look?
- Like a real architect, - she gave me a thumbs up and hugged me as she approached, - I'll see you at work, - she smiled as she stepped back.
- Bye, - I smiled at her and after unlocking the door I went out.
The door closed behind me and I paused at the stairs. I looked down at my jacket and pants. I think I look really not bad.
I sighed and went down the stairs. High heels were already driving me crazy even though the day hadn't even started, and sneakers are definitely not the best choice for this outfit.
I stopped again after going down the stairs. After taking a deep breath and exhaling, I went outside.
The morning weather was warm, the sun always brings me a lot of joy. There was not a single car at the side of the road, a few drove by. I left the apartment a little too early.
A car as dark as night pulled up to the side of the road. The same one who drove me back yesterday. I got to the passenger door and bent down a little when the window opened:
- Get on, - Jimin barely smiled.
I got into the car and put on my seat belt. Jimin's car moved immediately.
- We are going to the place where you will install the landscape, you will be able to take a closer look, only we will be there, - he explained, looking at the road.
- Okay, - I nodded. It was hot and stuffy in the car - can you open the window?
- I can lower the roof if you don't worry about your hair. - he kept looking at me.
- I'm not, - I mumbled without looking at him.
He pressed a button near the gears and the roof lowered. It was good to breathe fresh air. The wind was blowing my hair a little, but I didn't care at all. All what was missing was good music and Mila by her side.
When I stopped at a traffic light, another car with a couple of guys pulled up on my side. Involuntarily, I looked at them and they were smiling.
When the light turned green, very suddenly we moved from the spot and away from them. This car is different from my,,old man", I'm a little used to the speed, but I'm not afraid.
Jimin was silent, we stopped at another traffic light, but he didn't say anything or even look at me. I don't understand him. Is it me or should he be angry?
We turned left from the traffic light and stopped on the right side.
Jimin got out of the car and I followed him. We entered through a gate that was surrounded by bushes. We came to a white house, there were not many flowers or greenery around it. Everything seemed very blurry and lackluster, lacking a woman's touch:
- Hello, - the woman in red hair immediately approached Jimin, she held out her hand to him and he shook it.
- Hello, - he nodded and turned to me, - our landscape architect, Elena, - he put his hand on my waist. Again.
- It's nice to meet you, - we said together and shook each other's hands. Nice woman.
- As you can see, there is a lot of work and equipment is missing not only inside, - she looked around, - we expect good examples from your side, - she looked at me.
- Everything will be arranged according to your wishes, - Jimin interjected before I could say anything. He was smiling now. I don't know if his smile was sincere, but it turns out that he knows how to be kind.
- Great, look around, and I'm running, - she smiled looking at both of us and, passing us, disappeared behind the gate.
Jimin walked deeper into the yard, where there was even more room for the flowers. There was a white table with several chairs in the yard. This place was on a hill, so you could see quite a bit of the forest below:
- Do you have a little idea how to make it nicer here? - he stood next to me while I looked at the horizon.
- I think so, the flowers growing here are not very picky, - I did not look at him, - if my corrections will suit them, everything else will be easy, - I turned and looked at the yard itself. There is a lack of vitality here.
- Great, then we can go, - he nodded and moved towards the gate. Did he bring me here to show me the environment we will be working with? All just for that?
I followed him without saying anything until we reached the car. He immediately got into the driver's seat. I opened the passenger door and leaned in:
- I think I can discuss the plan with George as well, - I smiled a little at him. He immediately frowned after my words.
- Get in the car, - his voice was demanding.
- But I...
- Eli, get in the fucking car, - he seemed to hold back his anger.
- You're unbelievable, - I mumbled and got into the car. He immediately moved from the spot.
Anyway, it didn't work out that way. I didn't tell him anything. I don't want to annoy him while he's driving and so he drove really speeding.
He was lucky that he didn't have to stop at the traffic lights, and when he turned off the main road, they were gone. We drove in silence and I don't even know where he was taking me. I don't know London at all, I hope he doesn't promise to leave me here. I checked the handbag for the phone, for all the evil. He has changed so much that I don't know what to expect from his cold manner.
When the car stopped, he took out his keys and got out of the car. We were in a complete meadow, not a single house around. I got out after him and took a few steps from the car towards him:
- Cheching if your "hot" boss called you? - he turned to me. Of course he heard Mila.
- Didn't call, - I muttered, - and I didn't even check, what don't you like?
- I don't like him, - he took a few steps closer to me.
- Your and his affairs do not bother me at all, I am only here for a few days, - I looked into his eyes, his eyes were not so cold.
- And you are very interesting to him, if you want to know, - he did not look away and looked at me.
- This is none of your business! - I raised my voice a little.
- This is and will be my business! - his tone also rose.
- Since when? What? - I laughed mockingly, - for four years you didn't care how I lived and with whom, and now you are interested.
- How could I not care? I've been writing to you all the time, - he wrings his hands.
- How did you write to me if I didn't receive a single message from you apart from congratulations on some occasions!? - I was angry with him.
- I sent you letters and gifts, so yes I lost your number, but I sent letters, - he frowned, his voice was still raised, - I was there, but then your aunt said that you don't want to see me and you are with someone else.
- What else?! - I frowned, - you make up things that don't exist just to have an excuse! - I pushed him. I couldn't react myself. All out of anger. I turned and started towards the car. I can't be in the same place with this fool.
- Eli! - he grabbed my hand and turned to himself, - I'm not lying, you didn't answer any of my letters, but I kept sending them until finally I didn't know anything about you - his voice was calmer.
- I haven't received a single letter from you! - I still looked at him angrily, - I had no way to contact you, so I didn't write anything. The letters were always without a return address, - I pulled my hand from him.
- I don't understand, something is wrong here, - he shook his head a little and grabbed his hair.
- Someone was very good at hiding everything from you, - I mumbled and sighed, - no matter how everything was in the past, - I looked at him, - you are not my friend anymore, Jimin, I don't know you, - I smiled sadly.
- Eli, I...
- I can't and don't want to be friends with you, - I sighed, - we're just coworkers now, - I turned to open the car door, but he put his hand on it.
- Eli, - his soft voice behind me drove me to despair, saying those words out loud hurt me more than him, - I promise I will find you and prove that I haven't forgotten you, you are dear to me, you know that, - his words hurt me , because I know that I am just his friend.
- You don't need to prove anything, - I turned to him, - I'm no longer the naive girl you knew then, I'm stronger and just like I don't know you, you don't know me, - he pulled his hand from the door and I leaned against the car.
- This is illogical, after all, we can find out everything and renew our friendship, - his voice was strange, he searched for words, - we can be friends again, I'm not the same as I was, but with you I become the old me, - he smiled.
Friends, he wants to be friends.
- Chim... Jimin, - I barely managed not to say his nickname, - I can't be friends with you, all this is impossible, you have your life, I have mine, - I backed away from the car, - take me back, - I muttered and opened the door and got in to the car.
He stood still for a few minutes and then, as if saying something, walked around the car and got into it.
Yes, then when we were friends everything was fine. I could see him and touch him anytime, even though it was all just friendship to him. I was always like a friend to him, sometimes he introduced me as a sister. From the age of eighteen I saw him less often, because he served, and then worked. We talked on the phone. After my twentieth birthday he left, just disappeared from my life with a piece of me. I went through a tragic year, everything was wrong when I was still in contact with him. After another half year, when he didn't write or text me, everything turned into depression, so I postponed my studies for a year and took antidepressants. In time I straightened up when I heard nothing from him. At first, I studied remotely. Then I concentrated on science, and myself. I didn't want to hear anything about him, although my aunt most of all didn't want anyone to talk about him. The first letters I received were the most painful, congratulations on the holidays and the like. But nothing more. After graduation, I realized that I had become a different me. No matter how hard I tried, I suppressed my feelings, and now after all this time, he's just digging those old wounds.
I can't.
I can't be his friend when I know that my feelings for him haven't gone away and it's only a matter of time before they surface.
I've been totally obsessed with my best friend since I was sixteen. And he can't even imagine what I feel for him...

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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