The Velvet Veil

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 The old speakeasy on Elm Street stood silent, a relic swallowed by Noirville's shadows. Johnny Lovegood approached its decaying entrance, rain drizzling from the brim of his fedora. The heavy door groaned as he pushed it open, the scent of damp wood and forgotten secrets greeting him.

Inside, the air was thick with dust and memories. Johnny moved through the main room, his footsteps echoing softly. This place held echoes of a bygone era—nights of laughter and camaraderie with Vinnie and Timmy before everything went sideways.

He headed toward the back room, noticing signs of recent activity: footprints in the dust, a freshly extinguished cigarette butt. His instincts sharpened.

Reaching the door, he didn't hesitate. Johnny shoved it open, stepping inside with an air of unshakable confidence.

Timmy "Two Time" Donovan stood over a table cluttered with maps and documents. He looked up sharply, surprise flickering across his face before settling into a guarded expression.

"Johnny," Timmy said, forcing a casual tone. "Didn't expect to see you here."

Johnny shot him a cold stare. "Expecting someone else?"

Timmy shrugged. "Just working through some things. Bit busy at the moment."

Johnny's gaze swept over the table. "Yeah, I can see that. Got your hands full with whatever scheme you're cooking up."

Timmy bristled slightly. "Always jumping to conclusions. Maybe I'm just trying to get by, same as everyone else."

Johnny stepped closer, eyes never leaving Timmy's. "Funny, you've lost that little quirk of yours. Not repeating yourself as much these days."

Timmy's jaw tightened. "People change."

"Do they?" Johnny's tone was edged with skepticism. "Because from where I'm standing, you're up to the same old tricks."

Timmy forced a grin. "Look, Johnny, I know we've had our differences, but I'm not your enemy."

"Could've fooled me," Johnny retorted. "Sending threats to Vivian, stirring up trouble."

Timmy raised his hands defensively. "Whoa, hold on. I didn't threaten Vivian. If she's in some kind of trouble, it's news to me."

"Cut the crap, Timmy. She received Vinnie's ring with a note saying she's next. That has your fingerprints all over it."

Timmy sighed, feigning exasperation. "I swear to you, I had nothing to do with that. Vinnie's mess runs deeper than you know. I'm trying to clean it up."

Johnny's eyes narrowed. "Convenient story. Why should I believe a word you say?"

"Because I'm telling the truth." Timmy met his gaze steadily. "Vinnie got himself tangled with some dangerous people before he died. We're just trying to tie up loose ends."

"Funny how none of this came up before," Johnny replied coolly.

"Because we were handling it," Timmy countered. "But things have escalated."

"Convenient timing."

Timmy's eyes flickered with frustration. "You can keep doubting me, or you can help. Vivian knows more than she's letting on. She was closer to Vinnie than either of us."

Johnny's gaze hardened. "Leave her out of this."

Timmy sighed, rubbing his temples. "I promise you, Johnny, I don't know what's going on, but Vivian's got a show at The Velvet Veil Friday night. Maybe you should figure out what her true intentions are."

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