Chapter 6: Makiyu's Sunrise

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The Vulpi and their creatures battled against the dwindling Omaunukai forces as Emphynixyion and Eszkeios brawled through the cosmic air above. While Oreic, Enshiron, and Elysia settled the score with Iagen, Indeavorga's quartet ganged up on Seniel and Inveticus.

"I'll devour your limbs, and they'll be part of mine!" The Ice Sister bashed her head on the floor, slicing her spinal sacrum at Seniel. "Curse Makiyu for making me defected!"

"Don't ever curse Makiyu for giving you breath to live!" Inveticus deflected the attack to protect Seniel. "Why couldn't you be happy for who he made you to be? He made you the way you were for his reasons!"

The two flying harp claws aimed for Inveticus, but Seniel summoned a whirlpool to block them. Inveticus bonked Indeavorga's head with his hulusi gourd, freezing her in place. Seniel aimed her water spear at the Ice Sister's neck, but the lower body flipped in the air and kicked her away.

Seniel and Inveticus can't behead Indeavorga if she's four in one! Psyinen sliced her oboe staff through an Omaunukai wizard's neck. I need to help!

The cone-hatted wizards fired shadow bolts from their crocodile maxilla wands. Psyinen battled her way as she circled the Ice Sister. As she dodged with her agility, she snuck underneath Nekhamon as the fiend raised its staff to command veined and eyed pillars to fire at Macadion Firma's rock shield.

I can sneak behind Indeavorga! Psyinen thought until Shaphkiew stomped in front of her.

The peacock's tentacles morphed into bear and snake heads that aimed jaws at her. Psyinen parried the heads with her oboe staff, but the eyeball patterns on Shaphiew's fleshy tail looked into her eyes, making her head dizzy when she hallucinated the eyes moving in a spiral. With Psyinen stunned, the tentacles changed into tiger heads that lunged for her. The twin-headed Levian Exedra coiled around the tentacle heads and breathed waterspouts into the peacock. Des Manthesia pounced on the fleshy tail, slashing the hypnotizing eyes with its freezing scythes arms.

"Thank you both!" Psyinen told the summons as she ran to Inveticus and Seniel's aid.

Omaunukai wizards played their bat-winged appendage instruments to summon long-haired harpies with rolled eyes and wide anglerfish fangs that bit the Vulpi to death. The harpies scrambled for Psyinen.

"Psyinen! You don't have to take on Indeavorga alone!" Yanshi slashed his erhu to behead the savage creatures.

Both masters nodded as they snuck behind Indeavorga, who slithered her spinal cord to push Seniel and Inveticus back with a crater of red jagged ice. The Ice Sister's lower body and two flying harp claws noticed and blocked their path. Yanshi smashed his erhu into the floor to knock the three beings back with a rocky crater while Psyinen jumped over his shoulder for Indeavorga's neck.

The Ice Sister coiled its bloody spinal cord around Seniel and Inveticus, trying to squeeze them to death. Psyinen slammed her oboe staff against the cervical spine, letting Indeavorga squeal and release the masters. The Ice Sister thrashed while Psyinen struggled to break the spinal cord off.

"I can't do this alone!" Psyinen held on as the Ice Sister wildly slithered across the battlefield.

The Ice Sister's harp claws soared high and lunged for Psyinen's neck, but Seniel threw her spear at them. Seniel's weapon morphed into an aqua serpent that coiled the claws in a tight inescapable bind. Inveticus tripped the lower body and bonked his hulusi gourd at its feet to freeze it.

"Thank you, fellow masters!" Yanshi slammed his erhu onto Indeavorga's neck. "Psyinen! You're not alone!"

"All I want is an able body, and you all reject my desire!" Indeavorga howled as her serpentine spine thrashed into the Vulpi's war elephants.

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