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The words from the note replayed in my mind over and over, each one cutting deeper than the last. We're watching you. Careful what you do next.

I had tried to sleep that night, tried to calm myself down, but the fear gnawed at me, tightening its grip with every passing minute. It wasn't just about Alden anymore. I was being watched. I was being threatened. And the terrifying truth was that I had no idea who was behind it.

But there was one person who did. Rafe Cameron.

The black van, the note, the cryptic warnings — this all led back to him. The fact that he'd let this spiral out of control, that he had involved my brother in something so dangerous, sent my rage spiraling to a level I hadn't thought possible.

I wasn't going to play games anymore. I wasn't going to let him lie or hide the truth. He had ruined my family, and it was time he owned up to it.

I stormed through the Cameron estate that morning, my heart pounding in my chest as I searched for him. I didn't care about my job, didn't care about blending in or keeping my cover anymore. All I cared about was confronting Rafe and getting the answers I so desperately needed. My fingers were clenched into fists, my stomach twisted in knots, but the anger drove me forward.

Finally, I found him.

He was in the garage, leaning against the side of his truck, his arms crossed over his chest, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. His face was set in that same cocky, infuriating expression I'd come to hate. But as I approached, his eyes narrowed, sensing the storm brewing beneath the surface.


My voice came out sharper than I intended, my anger flaring before I could control it. He glanced up, exhaling a cloud of smoke before meeting my gaze, his brow furrowing slightly at the intensity in my voice.

"What do you want now?" he muttered, clearly not in the mood for another fight.

But this wasn't just another fight. This was the final confrontation. This was me demanding the truth that he'd been keeping from me for far too long.

I took a step closer, my heart pounding in my chest as I pulled the crumpled note from my pocket and threw it at his feet. "You want to explain this?" I snapped, my voice shaking with barely contained fury. "Or do you want to keep pretending that you have no idea what's going on?"

Rafe glanced down at the note, his expression hardening as he bent down to pick it up. He unfolded it, his eyes scanning the words, and for a brief moment, I thought I saw a flicker of something — fear? guilt? — cross his face. But it was gone just as quickly as it came.

He straightened up, crumpling the note in his hand as he met my gaze again. "Where did you get this?"

"It was left in my house," I spat, my voice trembling with anger. "Whoever's watching me — whoever's behind this — they know about Alden. And now they're threatening me too."

Rafe's jaw tightened, his eyes flickering with something unreadable. He opened his mouth to say something, but I wasn't done.

"You've ruined my family," I hissed, stepping closer, my hands shaking as I hold back the tears of frustration and rage. "You and your stupid deals, your twisted games. You dragged my brother into this mess, and now you're dragging me into it too. Do you even care about what you've done? About the fact that my brother is missing because of you?"

Rafe's face twisted with anger, and he tossed the crumpled note aside, his voice sharp and defensive. "I didn't ruin your family, alright? Alden—"

"Don't you dare put this on him!" I interrupted, my voice rising as I stepped even closer, my heart pounding in my chest. "You were the one who got him involved in this! You were the one who set him up!"

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