8) Family Re-Unions

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"We're here! And the BVB bus is parked right next door!" Jordan said happily, coming into the bunk rooms.

"Anyone come out?" Oli asked and Jordan shook his head.

"You ready?" Oli asked me gently. I nodded, picking up the photos and putting them in my pocket. Me and Oli walked out the bus, knocking on the door to the BVB bus. I stood behind Oli, adjusting my batman bag on my back.

"Oh hey Oli, come in." I heard a man with a very deep voice say, walking in. Oli walked in and I followed behind.

"I have something that belongs to you." Oli said. Before he could step aside my legs were attacked in a hug, make that two.

"Skylar!" They both shouted. I looked down, seeing Alex and Felicity. I bent down and hugged them both tightly.

"Who said Skylar?" Riley asked, rushing in with Ethan.

"Riley! Ethan!" I cried happily, jumping up and hugging them both.

"Sky!" Ethan cried, literally, onto my shoulder.

"Where have you been?" A man asked behind me.

"Um, Sheffield. I woke up in hospital there." I replied.

"Thank god your safe! The police thought you may have been dead! They found your blood in an alley." The man said, coming over and hugging me.

"I tried to kill my self in an alley?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. The man let go.

"You don't remember?" The man asked. I swallowed uneasily and shook my head.

"The doctor told me I lost too much blood, that's why I didn't remember anything, literally. The couple that were in my room claimed to be my adopted parents, but after a few weeks I began to believe otherwise. I only remember Seth's name and face, and the moment mum died, nothing else." I replied, looking down as tears made their way down my cheeks.

"So you don't remember who I am?" The man asked. I looked up at the man, he had long, straight, jet-black hair, blue, puffy and bloodshot eyes and was dressed in black and leather. I shook my head, looking down again.

"I only know Riley, Ethan, Alex, Felicity, Mum, Evan and Heaven because Oli told me, when I showed him a picture, he said it was the same photo Riley had, and he had shown him who was who. I'm so sorry." I began to cry.

"I'll go get Nate." I heard Riley say as Ethan hugged me tighter.

"Nate, you might want to come see this." I heard Riley say to someone.

"Riley, bring everyone out." The man told him.

"Sure thing Jinxx!" Riley replied, modding, going back into the bunks and talking to numerous people

"Sky!" A boy cried happily, running over and hugging me tightly. I hissed in pain, some reason my ribs had begun to hurt, maybe from father?

"I'm sorry, what happened?" The boy, who I recognised as the one in the hospital photo asked me, looking at me worriedly.

"Just a pain in my ribs, nothing to worry about."

"What happened to your face and knuckles?" Alex asked me, picking up my bandaged hand and looking at it.

"My face was father, he kinda hit me with his belt when he caught me trying to get out through the fire escape, and my hand was my fault. I got kinda angry and punched a load of holes in the wall, I kinda cut my knuckles a lot and broke my right hand." I shrugged in reply.

"So they basically treated you like you were their daughter?" Jinxx asked me.

"Yeah, they told me they adopted me when I was five from America. They wouldn't let me out by myself, it took me weeks to convince them to let me be friends with Oli, and to get out the house myself, but father wasn't to keen on anything." I replied.

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