12) Gunshots And Red Knuckles

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~~ Kayden's POV ~~

I heard a gunshot echo in the direction of buses, knowing that was exactly where Kai was.

"That didn't sound good." Nate muttered.

"That's were Kai went to find Sky..." I muttered, running as fast as I could to find my brother. I ran past the BMTH bus and heard kids screaming.

"Fuck!" I shouted, seeing Kai on the floor. I ran over and began to panic when I saw the blood. Nate ran over with Oli and the kids.

"Apply pressure to the wound." Nate muttered. Pulling his jumper off and pressuring it against my brothers bullet wound. My eyes began to cloud with tears as I grasped my brothers hand.

"Th-they-" Kai muttered.

"They what Kai?" I asked hopefully. I could hear Oli on the phone to an ambulance. Kai took a deep breath.

"They took Sky." He whispered.

"The people who shot you?" I asked, using everything in me not to punch the bus behind me.

"P-person." He breathed slowly.

"The kids." Nate muttered.

"I'll be right back Kai." I muttered, jumping up and seeing that kids were still there, but the boys were both screaming. I picked them both up and they stopped screaming. I looked around the bus and nothing seemed to be out of place. The bunk door was shut so I gently pushed it open with my foot, seeing nothing out of place here either, but I could hear light snoring.

"Ella?" I questioned. She didn't move. I gently placed Phoenix on the bed underneath, using my free hand to shake Ella.

"Ugh, what?" She asked, turning to look at me. I picked the other child up.

"Why have you got the kids? Wait, where's Sky?" She instantly shot up.

"She's gone. And the same person fucking shot my fucking brother, right next to the bus." I replied. Her eyes widened.

"Sometimes I hate being a heavy sleeper." She muttered, jumping up and picking Charlie up. I picked Phoenix back up and we walked out the bus when I heard the sirens. Nate jumped up and grabbed Zander, Oli taking over from what Nate was previously doing.

"Come on Kai, don't close your eyes." I muttered, bending down and holding his hand again. Phoenix grabbed Kai's finger in his tiny hand. Kai turned his head to look, a weak smile on his face.

The paramedics arrived and put my brother on a gurney just as BVB arrived.

"What happened?" Jinxx cried. Andy and Juliet ran over, picking up Alex and Felicity.

"Where's Sky?" Jake asked, walking over to Ella.

"I don't know." I replied honestly, giving Phoenix over to Jinxx as I got into the ambulance with my brother.

Once were at the hospital they rushed my brother into a room, making me wait outside with my head in my hands.

"Hey, it's Kayden, isn't it?" A voice asked me. I looked up and frowned.

"Um, yeah, why?" I replied. The man sat next to me. No, not a man...

"What! Your Denis Stoff!" I cried out. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, Jinxx asked me to stay with you, he didn't think you should be by yourself." He told me. I nodded.

"But, they said they searched CCTV footage for an image of a man they think might have shot your brother, they just want to show him the picture and get Kai to confirm it." Denis told me. I nodded.

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