Saved and New Name

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                             I moved Minato being Hokage up a bit earlier but I wanted them to have more time with him being Hokage so it adds a bit more to my Plots!!!


 It's been almost three days since I was put in the Orphanage and it's been....a nightmare. I was put into the basement last night for using my 'Jutsu's' again but this time, I had whip marks on my back because I sent the kid to the hospital. He took my head band that held my torn up picture in it and I didn't want to loose it. My hands are bruised from the first day and my head is still hurting from hitting it on the floor. I found out that the Fat Lady doesn't care about the kids...only the money she was getting by taking us in.

I have only seen Pakkun once more since the night in the dog house. He came into my bedroom and slept with me yesterday night after telling me this was going to be over soon. I really want to believe him but I'm beginning to not have any hope what-so-ever. I hurt too much to care so when I see it, I'll believe it.

"Girl." The fat lady snapped and I looked up. "Get up, get dressed and look presentable." She snapped and I nodded as she unlocked the chains. I winced at the fresh air that brushed against my now rubbed raw wrists before trudging up the stairs to the main level.

"-ait, Yondaime!" I heard a voice yell. "No! I want to see Ayame and that is final!" My head snapped to Minato's voice. The fat lady grabbed my arm to pull me away but I growled and she pulled away with a yelp as the fire shot to her hand. Once free, I shoved away anyone who got in my way to get to Minato.

"Oto-San!" I cried out as I reached the door. I saw Minato whirl around and his eyes locked on mine. "Ayame!" He said and I started run...well...limp towards him. "She burned me!" Fat Lady yelled as I reached Minato. "Oto-" He grabbed my mid forearms and stared at my wrists. "What happened!?" He asked me in an angry tone. "She did it!" All the kids said, pointing to the Fat lady.

"Sakumo..." Minato said and he appeared next to us. "Yes Yon-Ayame!?" He breathed as he looked at me. "Take her to Kushina as I deal with this." Minato said and gently guided me to Sakumo. He reached down and picked me up gently as if I would break under the slightest pressure. I whimpered as he touched my back as he dashed towards Kushina.

We landed in front of the house and I whimpered again. "Sorry, Ayame." He said as we entered the house. "Kushina!" He yelled and a familiar red headed woman entered the room we were in. "Oh my Kami! Ayame!" She said and came towards me. I held out my arms and she immediately scooped me out of Sakumo's arms. I let out a painful squeak as she touched my back.

"Let's go see what they did to you, sweetie." She said and brought me to the bathroom. I gripped her shirt as she set me down, avoiding my wrists before grabbing my blue top shirt. She pulled it off and everything seemed to freeze. Kushina turned me around and I saw tears spilling out of her eyes as we made eye contact.

"You're safe now, Ayame." She said and pulled me to her. I gripped ahold of her shirt as I felt a light tingling in my back. "I can only do so much so I'll have to bandage it after we get you all cleaned up, okay?" I nodded and she healed what she could before getting me into the tub. I winced as the soap touched my wounds but she cleaned and scrubbed me really well as quick as she could to get me out of the tub.

"Kushina?" I heard Minato's voice call. "Up here!" She yelled back as she put on some cream on my back. I heard him reach the door before stopping. "It was worse before I was able to heal some of it." Kushina said as Minato came over to us. He sat in front of me and took some bandages and cream before he started wrapping my wrists as Kushina took to wrapping my back.

"Do you hurt anywhere else, Ayame?" Minato asked as he gently rubbed my wrists. I nodded and he looked down at my hands. He took them in his hands and brought them to his mouth and...kissed them. The strange part was that it felt a lot better! It still hurt but not as much as before.

"I need you to lift your arms, sweetie." Kushina said and I lifted them. She put the wrappings around three more times before I felt her tying it off and patting my shoulders. "All done. Can I see your face, honey?" I turned around and she peeled off the gauze and placed some more cream on it before puting on some more gauze.

"Would you like to go out for ice cream, Ayame?" Minato asked and I shook my head which seemed to surprise them. I grabbed Kushina's shirt and pulled myself into her arms to which she gladly scooped me up. She held me to her and sighed with a smile.

"I think she just wants to be held." She said and I heard Minato come closer before a large hand cradled my head. "You should take her to the Hokage building because I have a mission to go on." Kushina said and she shifted me to Minato's arms who held me tightly. "Alright. Hurry back." They kissed and Kushina poofed away in a second after making a hand sign. I made an awe filled noise as Minato chuckled at my reaction.

[> Minato's P.O.V <]

I helped Ayame change into the Kimono we got her her first day here before heading out towards the Hokage tower. Ayame was limping next to me, making me frown as I saw Sakumo and Kakashi approaching. Ayame gripped my cloak as they came closer and we stopped.

"Yondaime-Sama, Ayame-Chan." Sakumo greeted. I looked down to see Kakashi crouching to Ayame's level which would be a few inches smaller than him. "She's awaiting further trail." I nodded and he glanced at Ayame. "How bad was she?" He asked softly. "She had lacerations on her back that Kushina took care of so she should be fine from now on.

"Oto-San?" I blinked and looked down to see Ayame and Kakashi looking at me. I crouched and smiled at her. "Yes, Ayame?" I said softly and Kakashi cleared his throat. "Can we go to the park?" He asked and I glanced between the two, earning a nod from Ayame with my silent question. "I don't see why not but be careful, okay?" I said and Ayame and Kakashi nodded before he gripped her hand. "C'mon, Aya!" He said and carefully began dragging her away as she waved to me.

"Looks like Kakashi has a crush." Sakumo chuckled and I let my head fall. "She's been here for about a week and has already gotten that look from a lot of boys." I groaned and then started anime crying. "She's going to be so pretty when she grows up!" I cried and Sakumo patted my shoulder. "So it's official?" I smiled up at him and then looked to the two retreating figures of Kakashi and Ayame. "Yes." I smiled and stood.

"Her name is now Ayame Namikaze."


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