Mount Dorakuzan

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 I do not own Naruto but I do own my OC's as well as Plot lines!!!

Sorry for the long awaited update and I swear I'm trying to update my other stories!! Being a Manager is awesome but it has a lot of Con's such as being busy all the time especially with Winter Storage coming up to which I am also in charge of!! I promise you, I'm trying!! Please bear with me!!!

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I patted Sehyze's neck as I we were approaching the mountains to which he sped up and passed the two older dragons. 'We should make camp.' The two larger ones responded as they fell back. I braced myself to hover over the saddle as I gripped on tighter, waiting for the dive. "Kitzo?" Minato asked but they let out yelps of surprise as we rose and then dived towards the ground.

We entered the forest, (Much like AVATAR) and Sehyze pulled in his wings as we sped through the tree's as they were made for this kind of action. I pulled on the saddle, leading them down another way towards my favorite place to stay when I used to come out and play.

I glanced back to see their eyes wide and trying to see where we were going as we darted through the trees but we stopped and I knew what we were going to do as they stopped. "You will have to go on by foot from here. Ayame will show you what to do. Ayame." They bowed and I returned it before they flew off. Sehyze nudged my side before taking off as well.

"Where to, Ayame?" Old man asked and I smiled before taking off with them following me. I led them through a trail and let my hands touch the trees, making them brighten at my touch. "It's so beautiful..." Kushina breathed and I paused to look back at her with gleaming eyes, telling her there was more to see than this. I turned and ran towards the river that glowed at night, making the tree's illuminate.

"Ayame? Where are you leading us?" Sakumo asked as Kakashi rode on his back. I smiled and waved them forward as I jumped through the bushes and landed on a rock, making a low sound come from it. As I jumped to each stone, a musical note rang out and when they followed it, it made a melody that made the birds sing and fly out.

I ran through the trees and picked up my bow and arrows as I went past my stash spot. I placed them on my back as we approached a cliff side that we needed to jump. When I burst through the clearing, I stopped to let them catch up, which they did in a few seconds. They all went to sit down but I snapped my fingers, making them look at me and raise an eyebrow. I turned towards the cliff.

"Ayame..." Minato trailed off as I tightened my bow to myself. I braced myself to run forward but a hand stopped me. I looked up to see Minato there, looking at me worriedly. "It's okay, Oto-San." I smiled and patted his hand but clasped it with my own. "Come." I said and smiled at everyone else.

"Are we supposed to jump?" Old man asked and I nodded. I beckoned Kushina closer and let the two hold hands before pointing to where the old man, Sakumo and Kakashi were supposed to stand. They quickly took their places and I took a stance.

Minato got ready and sent me a curious glance but I ignored it as I started running forward. Once reaching the edge, I shoved myself off and as far away from the cliff as possible before letting my limbs sprawl out as I fell. My arms were away from me as my calves were up from a 90 degree angle. My hood was flapping in the wind as I let the familiar feeling course through me. I could barely hear the others yelling above me about something about listening to a kid and I shook my head.

Sehyze came up and was now hovering closely to me so I quickly buckled myself in before he righted himself and we angled to the right to soar around the mountain. I glanced back to see the others on the same or two new dragons.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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