Dark Promises [PP]

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The rain poured heavily as Pond and Phuwin sat under the small canopy near the edge of a park, huddling close to stay warm. The thunder rolled in the distance, but Pond's voice was soft, cutting through the storm like a quiet promise.

"If I die first, I promise to protect you, even if I'm not an angel... you'll still be protected," Pond whispered, his eyes meeting Phuwin's. There was a playful smile on his face, but a seriousness lingered beneath the surface.

Phuwin chuckled lightly, nudging Pond's arm. "Don't joke about stuff like that. You're not going anywhere."

"I'm not joking," Pond's voice grew quieter. "I mean it."

Phuwin felt a strange chill run down his spine, but he shook it off. Pond always had a dramatic flair, after all.

"Alright, alright," Phuwin replied, rolling his eyes. "But let's not talk about death. We've got years ahead of us."

They stayed like that for a while, talking and laughing until the storm finally calmed. As they walked back home, Pond's words lingered in the back of Phuwin's mind, though he didn't take them seriously. Not then.

A year Later.

The funeral was overcast by the same gray skies that had accompanied them the night Pond made his promise. Phuwin stood alone, staring at the freshly filled grave, his heart heavy with disbelief. Pond was gone.

It had been a car accident, sudden and unforgiving. One moment, they had been joking about summer plans, and the next, Pond was gone.

Phuwin's chest felt hollow as he stood there, remembering the promise Pond had made on that stormy night. "If I die first..."

He shook his head, wiping his eyes. It was just a joke... right?

Months passed, and Phuwin tried to move on. He returned to his daily routine, pretending everything was normal. But there was something-no, someone-that followed him. It started with whispers in the wind, soft and familiar. Then he began to notice shadows, darker and sharper than before. At first, he thought it was just grief playing tricks on him. But the presence grew stronger, undeniable.

One night, as Phuwin lay in bed, something cold brushed against his arm. His eyes flew open, heart pounding in his chest. At the foot of his bed, a figure stood, cloaked in shadows but unmistakably familiar.

"Pond?" Phuwin whispered, his voice trembling.

The figure stepped forward, the shadows peeling away to reveal Pond-but not quite. His eyes were darker, his once warm aura now cold and heavy. Black wings, tattered and eerie, unfurled behind him.

"I told you I'd protect you," Pond said, his voice echoing, as if it came from another world.

Phuwin froze, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. "What... what happened to you?"

"I couldn't be an angel," Pond said, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "But I kept my promise."

Phuwin's heart twisted in both fear and sadness. He reached out hesitantly, his hand trembling. "You... stayed? Even like this?"

Pond nodded, his expression softening. "I'll always stay, Phuwin. No matter what I am now. You'll always be protected."

Tears welled in Phuwin's eyes as the realization sunk in. Pond wasn't gone, not entirely. But he wasn't the same either. He had become something darker-something not quite of this world.

But even in the darkness, Pond was still Pond.

And he had kept his promise.

Author's Note 📝

I remember Pond's and Joong's costume last year pond wings however was white so I switched it up.

And I went on tiktok few hrs ago and got inspired by a video with the line "If I die first I Promise to protect you even if I'm not an angel you'll still be protected".

So I was like why not.🤷🏻‍♀️

Boom 💥

Anyways hope you guys are enjoying these stories so far.

Thank you for 4k reads and the votes jub jub!!📚


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