Are We About to Kiss? | Chris Kent

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Summary: After sparring in the Batcave, Chris Kent leans in for a kiss but they accidentally collide foreheads. Despite the bruises, they share a laugh about their “matching battle wounds.” though Chris agrees to be more careful next time.


It happened so fast, neither of them really knew what hit them—literally.

Damian Wayne and Chris Kent had been sparring in one of the Batcave’s endless training rooms, the kind of high-intensity workout that left both of them breathless but grinning like idiots. Somewhere along the way, the tension between them shifted from competitive to...something else. Something charged, like static electricity in the air.

Chris was the first to notice. The way Damian’s chest rose and fell, the slight flush on his cheeks, the look in his eyes that wasn’t the usual sharp glare but something softer, something warmer. Chris swallowed, suddenly more aware of how close they were standing—sweaty, out of breath, muscles aching, but so close.

Damian was still talking, probably critiquing one of Chris’s moves from the last round, but Chris wasn’t really listening. His gaze kept drifting down to Damian’s lips, and he had this overwhelming urge to close the gap between them.

And maybe it was because they were both tired, or because neither of them was used to moments like this. But when Chris leaned in, Damian did the same.


The collision was brutal. Forehead slammed into forehead, with enough force to make both of them stumble backward, clutching their heads in pain.

“Ow!” Damian hissed, pressing the heel of his hand against his forehead, eyes squeezed shut. “What the hell was that?”

Chris winced, rubbing his own forehead, trying not to laugh but failing miserably. “I don’t know! I think we... both leaned in at the same time?”

Damian shot him a glare, though it was somewhat softened by the fact that he was still cradling his head in pain. “Obviously.”

The throbbing in their heads was immediate, and as they stood there, the awkwardness of what should have happened was only made worse by the fact that they’d somehow managed to mess it up in the most painfully ridiculous way possible.

“Are we... bruised?” Chris asked, leaning in to inspect Damian’s forehead. Sure enough, a dark mark was already forming, a deep purple bruise that mirrored the one Chris could feel rising on his own skin.

Damian groaned, touching the sore spot gingerly. “Wonderful. Now we match.”

Chris, despite the pain, couldn’t help but chuckle. “Matching battle wounds. Pretty romantic, right?”

Damian gave him an exasperated look, but there was the faintest hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “If your idea of romance involves concussions, then yes.”

Chris shrugged, still grinning despite the throbbing in his head. “Hey, could be worse. At least we didn’t break our noses.”

Damian snorted, though he quickly regretted it, wincing again as the movement made his head throb even more. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”

“Yeah,” Chris said, laughing softly as he rubbed his bruised forehead. “But you like me anyway.”

Damian rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. Instead, he shook his head—gently this time—and muttered, “Next time, aim better.”

Chris grinned wider, stepping a little closer, though with much more caution this time. “Deal.”


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