Blah Blah Blah | Cedric Diggory

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Summary: Damian talks about an adventure while Cedric Diggory struggles to focus. Cedric admires Damian's features and fumbles his responses as Damian talks about a dangerous situation. Noticing Cedric's distraction, Damian questions him, but Cedric deflects. Despite his annoyance, a faint smile appears on Damian's face, leaving Cedric flustered.


Damian leaned back in the oversized armchair, arms crossed over his chest, recounting one of his latest adventures with precision and clarity. His voice was steady, measured, and just sharp enough to make whoever was listening feel the gravity of what he was saying. At least, it should have been making an impact.

But Cedric Diggory wasn’t really hearing a word of it.

He was trying—at least, that’s what he kept telling himself. Cedric had started off with the best intentions. He'd nodded along at the right moments, thrown in a “Really?” or “No way” whenever Damian’s tone indicated he should react. But somewhere along the line, his focus had started to drift, and now, it was pretty much shot.

Because, honestly? Damian was kind of adorable.

Not in an obvious, sugary-sweet way. Damian Wayne was anything but soft. He was sharp angles and piercing eyes, the kind of person who radiated control and confidence—way more than someone his age should. But it was precisely that intensity, that drive to prove something, that was... cute.

There it was again. That tiny furrow between Damian’s brows as he got deeper into the story. Cedric’s gaze lingered there for a second too long, then trailed down to Damian’s lips, watching the way they moved when he spoke. Focus, Cedric. Focus. Damian was talking about something serious—something dangerous, probably. There had been mention of a sword, or was it a dagger?

Cedric snapped his attention back to Damian’s eyes. The deep green was striking, even in the dim light of the room, and Cedric had to swallow back a laugh at how much he wasn’t focused on anything but that shade of green.

“…and then, I had to decide whether to take him out immediately or use him to gather more intel.” Damian’s voice cut through Cedric’s thoughts, his words clipped with precision, clearly expecting Cedric to catch on.

“Mhm,” Cedric mumbled, nodding, though he couldn’t stop thinking about how Damian’s jawline had that perfect, almost sculpted look to it. Seriously, Cedric? Intel. He said intel. Focus.

Damian paused, narrowing his eyes at him. “You’re not listening.”

“I—no, I am. Totally.” Cedric sat up straighter, doing his best to seem interested and not entirely distracted by Damian’s... everything. But then, Damian cocked his head, studying him with that intense look, and it took every ounce of restraint for Cedric not to melt on the spot.

He cleared his throat, hoping Damian didn’t notice how warm his face was getting. “You were saying something about... intel?”

Damian’s frown deepened, and Cedric nearly winced. Damian was sharp—there was no way he hadn’t picked up on the fact that Cedric’s mind was currently in la-la land. But Cedric couldn’t help it. The way Damian leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to solve a puzzle—everything about him was just... magnetic.

“Right.” Damian’s voice was flat, clearly not buying Cedric’s act. “Intel. And then I infiltrated the hideout. Alone.”

Cedric nodded, way too enthusiastically. “Yeah, yeah. Sounds dangerous.”

Damian blinked, his gaze sharp as a dagger. “It was dangerous.”

Cedric’s throat went dry. Of course, it was. Damian lived a dangerous life. He was always in some sort of life-or-death situation, always on the edge, always handling things way above anyone’s pay grade.

But how was Cedric supposed to focus on that when Damian was sitting there, exuding all that confidence and cool, while looking like... that?

Damian stared at him, clearly expecting more of a response, and Cedric panicked. “You handled it well, though. Right? I mean, you always do.”

It wasn’t exactly a compliment. More like an observation. But then again, Cedric wasn’t really in the right frame of mind for proper responses. Damian’s eyes flicked to him, narrowing slightly, as if he was dissecting Cedric’s every word.

“What’s wrong with you?” Damian asked, voice laced with suspicion. “You’re acting... weird.”

Weird? Oh, no. Cedric needed to get it together. Damian could read people like a book, and if Cedric wasn’t careful, he’d catch on to exactly what was going on in Cedric’s head.

“Nothing!” Cedric quickly said, though he could feel his face heating up again. “Just... long day. You know, Quidditch and all that.”

Damian didn’t look convinced, his eyes narrowing further as he studied Cedric like a puzzle he couldn’t quite crack. “Uh-huh.”

Silence stretched between them, and Cedric squirmed slightly in his seat, hoping to Merlin that Damian couldn’t tell just how badly he’d lost track of the conversation. But instead of pressing, Damian leaned back in his chair, looking away with a sigh.

“Well, if you’re done pretending to listen,” Damian muttered, arms crossed over his chest, “you could at least try to keep up.”

Cedric let out a shaky laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, dude. I’m just... yeah. Distracted.”

Damian’s gaze flicked back to him, and for a second, Cedric could’ve sworn there was something knowing in his expression. But Damian didn’t press, just raised a brow and said, “You’re an idiot.”

“Yeah,” Cedric agreed, grinning despite himself.

Damian rolled his eyes, and even though he was clearly annoyed, Cedric couldn’t help but notice the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

And damn, if that didn’t make it even harder to focus.


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