Drinking and patrol

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TW: child abuse and human traffacking

"Come on little sparrow, dad needs the money so be good~" a rough voice cooed. I felt a hand roughly rubbing my back sending a stabbing pain through my chest even with his delicate seeming movements. I kept my eyes trained on the dull green hotel room floors, not reacting to the touch, ignoring the screaming in my head. "Hurry up and get that dull look off your face, he will be here anytime now." He barked, quickly moving his hand away. I heard the clicks of his lighter followed by the smell of smoke and the sound of a sharp exhale. After only a minute passed I heard his steps anxiously pacing around the room, grumbling under his breath. Why would they chose green carpets? Were they always a mold green or did they darken with age? Why does it smell like rot? Was it the hotel, or was it me? My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the jiggling of the door handle.

I listened to fathers footsteps rush tword the door, finally looking up to watch the door. Father quickly opened it so there was a small slit between the door and the wall. I listened to him whisper to whoever was on the other side of the door before opening it completely and stepping to the side. I watched as a man walked into the small dusty hotel room, filling the room with the disgusting aroma of sweat. The room seemed to shrink, closing in on me as he spoke to father. He wasn't short but he wasn't incredibly tall either. He was plump and unshaven, liked the men who lived on the streets at home. As he spoke I winced at his rotted teeth and grating voice worn down from years of smoking. I watched him hand father a wad of cash before turning to face me, looking at me with his crooked rotted smile.

"You said she's eight? Untouched?"

"Yes. She's a very good child, a good listener." Father responded. I watched as the spoke about me as if I wasn't right in front of them, like I was just some merchandise to be thrown around for a quick buck. My heart beat began to quicken as he stepped closer, his eyes scanning over my form. He stepped closer once more, I instinctively took a step back as he did, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. This was really happening, my father was actually going to let this happen to me. I looked away from the man, searching my dads face in panic. His face remind stoic, uncaring.

"Don't be scared little sparrow~" The man smiled, repeating the name my father used for me. I continued to back up until I felt my back hit the wall. The man leaned over me, looking down at my small form. I felt my body shiver, my eyes darting around frantically, surveying the room for a way out. I gasped as the man gripped my wrist, dragging me over to the lumpy, stained bed in the middle of the room. The springs pushed against my back as he threw me against the mattress, letting out a loud creaking noise as my body crashed against it. I listened to the mattress scream as the man climbed on top of me, towering over me, breathing his disgusting breath against my face. I felt his hand pin my hands above my head, his other hand sliding under my nightgown. I felt as tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.

"Have fun sparrow." I heard father say from the corner of the room. I quickly threw my head to the side, looking at him with wide eyes, pleading with him to do something. To save me. He smiled at me, his hand reaching for the door knob. How could he do this to me? How could he do this to his own daughter? Why me? Why is this happening to me? My blood began to boil as the tears finally escaped my eyes. I looked behind the man, searching for any opening to escape. My eyes were drawn to a handle sticking out of his back pocket, the shape all to familair.

"U-um sir-" I heard my voice squeak out, quivering with every syllable. I watched fathers hand let go of the knob, looking over at me with a warning glare. I looked up at the man, making eye contact with him. I felt small, as if he could make me shrink away and disappear.

"Ale-" My dad began. The man looked over at him.

"No no it's quite alright, let the girl speak." He returned his gaze to me, smiling even wider then before. "Go ahead." I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to hold down my gag.

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