When song birds sing

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(Y'all like my cringey titles?)

I slowly opened my eyes, not quite ready to wake up. It was the first night in a long time that I got to enjoy a dreamless sleep. I went to roll over, but before I could I realized my head wasn't lying against my pillow. It was comfortable yet firm and solid, unlike the uncomfortable, lumpy, worn pillow I was so unfortunately used to. I raised my gaze, meeting another pair of eyes. I felt my eyes widen as I yelped in surprise, falling off of my bed. I heard a familiar deep voice chuckle as I sat up from the floor, rubbing the back of my head to try and ease the pain from my not-so-smooth landing. I looked up once again, finally registering the sight of Tim lying on the bed with a teasing smirk. Suddenly the events from last night replayed in my mind, reminding me that what I was seeing was very much real. I stared at him silently, lost in the confusion of my thoughts. I pushed myself up, rising to my feet and crossing my arms. I glared at the man who returned my look with a raised eyebrow.

"You're not off the hook." I stated, watching as he sighed and threw his head back against the pillow.

"This again? Come onnnn, it's not that big of a deal. You know now right? No harm done. Besides, you didn't seem to mind last night." He kept his head facing the ceiling, but moved his eyes to look at me, a smile creeping onto his face. When my face remained unchanged he quickly changed tactics, sitting up and hanging his legs over the side of the bed. "Need I remind you of your little drinking game?"

"I-" I had completely forgotten about that. I stood bewildered for a moment before dropping my hands back to my side and darting my eyes around the room, trying to look anywhere but at him.

"I'd say we should call it even."

"Good idea." I agreed, sitting down beside him. "God..what are the chances we met. This is crazy." He hummed in agreement. I turned to look at him, but he wasn't looking back at me, instead he had his eyes trained on where his shirt ended on my thighs.


"Hey, it's one by the way."

"One what?"

"O'clock." he responded, not moving his eyes. Okay...so? I sat there staring at him, my face surly giving away my confusion. "Don't you have something you're supposed to be doing?" supposed to be doing? What did I-

"Oh fuck! Jeff!" I sprung from my bed, rushing over to the small wardrobe against the wall and pulling open the drawers. I was quick to pull out a random shirt and a pair of jeans, hurriedly tugging them on. I listened as Tim laughed at my struggle, making a mental note to punch him later. I grabbed my mask and shoved it in my bag with my knives. In my peripheral I could see him standing up, pulling his mask on as I dashed out the door.

~ Tim's POV ~

As I walked out of the room I noticed Jeff walk out of his as well. I was lucky enough to have no rooms beside mine, but Alex was sandwiched between Jeff's room and Ben and LJ's. Jeff looked worse than usual, his hair was a mess and he looked exhausted. I didn't think it was possible for him to look any more hideous than usual. It could be hard to read his expression, given he had neither eyelids or eyebrows, but I could tell he was trying to glare at me.


"The fuck do you mean what?? What the fuck was last night about? The two of you kept me up for hours and after the noise FINALLY stopped I was too disgusted to sleep." I rolled my eyes from behind the mask. "What's going on between the two of you?" he barked, a look of disgust on his face.

"Mind your business Jeff." I muttered.

"Mind my business??? With how goddamned loud you two were this is half the fucking forests business." I ignored his annoyed ramble, turning to walk away. Before I could move, I looked down to see Ben sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall between his and Alex's room.

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