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"If you were just messing with us by sending Hunter that message, we're out of here," Ophelia stated, eyes blazing.

Morgan sighed dramatically, putting her hands up and laying backwards in the water. "Are all humans this short tempered?"

"Stop mentioning that we're humans!" Rowan said. "It's racist!"

Morgan sat back up again, crossing her arms. "I have all day," she said, dragging out the word 'all', "actually, I have more than a day. I don't have anything to do for the next eternity. So, I can wait. And you humans aren't getting any answers until you learn to chill out."

Celeste closed her eyes, took a sharp inhale and exhaled. Most of her teammates copied. She opened her eyes again and looked Morgan dead in her pale eyes.

"Please can you show us what you messaged Hunter about?" asked Fleur quietly. "Pretty please?"

Thick silence fell, and everyone turned to look at Fleur, her unchanging meek expression still remaining, eyes focused on only Morgan.

The silence was broken by Morgan's high-pitched cackle.

"I–like–that one!" she squealed between fits of laughter. "Name, human?"

"Fleur Clark," Fleur responded, still sporting her unchanging meek expression. "Could you please show us what you were telling Hunter about, now?"

Morgan's shrill cackle rang out for another few (awkward) moments. She eventually regained her composure again, her body still rocked by lingering chuckles.

"Sure. Anything." She grinned at Fleur, sporty pointy white teeth. "You are one cool human."

"So, uh, the portal thingo?" Rowan asked ("Great wording," snickered Ophelia).

"It will appear when it wants to," Morgan said. Celeste was starting to get really fed up with the siren. How long had they been standing here? It feels like it would be pushing at an hour–at least.

As if on cue, there was a deafening crack behind them.

Celeste turned, eyes wide in a mix of fear and awe. A tree's entire trunk had split vertically, magically ripping open... and inside the tree was a very un-Ira-ish sight. Busy crossing, bright lights... was that Tokyo? It looked familiar.

Celeste glanced back at Morgan, burning for answers. Morgan met Celeste's gaze, teal on hazel.

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