Chapter 7

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march 3, 2007

The next day when I went into work, I noticed a lady looking at Marsha and it seemed like she wanted to adopt her.
No. She can't.
I thought to myself.
Thankfully, she walked away from her, and I heard her tell Stephanie that she wasn't really looking for a puppy at the moment since they are a lot of work. I sighed in relief. I knew what I had to do. I had to adopt her.
The whole day I had my eye on her, making sure no one was trying to adopt her.
Nearing the end of my shift, I went into Marsha's kennel to play with her.
"You're coming with me." I whispered to her. She wagged her tail and let out a few barks as if she understood me.
Stephanie walked by, but stopped in front of the kennel and said, "Oh, hey Kristen. Playing with Marsha again, I see."
"Yep. Actually, I'm going to adopt her."
"Wow, that was quick. You must really like her."
"Y'know, Stephanie, this might sound weird, but I just know she's my Marsha. I can feel it."
"Not weird at all, Kris. I totally get it."
We smiled to each other and she walked off.

After my shift ended I filled out the papers and finalized the adoption. She was mine.
I decided not to tell my mom or Bailey and let the adoption be a surprise.

I took Marsha home and right when I walked in, my mom heard her toenails clicking on the living room floor and she already knew I was up to something.
"Kristen, don't even tell me you got that damn dog!" she yelled from the other room.
"Hey, you said I could do whatever I want when I was 18, and guess what, I'm 18."
She didn't reply to that comment but instead stormed in like she was gonna give me an ass whoopin.
Her mood changed when she saw the puppy.
"Oh my goodness! Bailey, come downstairs!" she yelled to my sister.
Bailey ran down the stairs and came over to pet Marsha. "She's so cute." she said and Marsha licked her face.
I unhooked her leash and she immediately got on the couch and laid in the spot where Marsha always did. She was home.

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