Season 1, Episode 14: Arachnoghetti

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When I say that the spaghetti made me weaker than I'd ever been beforehand. You have to believe me.

I was walking around the hallway on the second floor like a maniac when I heard Obsidia fall asleep on the stairs.

"Oh dear! Looks like you children are so tired these days!" If I didn't know any better from my mom, I would say she made this sickening spaghetti on purpose.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired, goodnight!" I said weakly, closing the door to my room behind me as I heard the couch on the first floor creak heavily. That must've been Coal, he had succumbed to the spaghetti too.

I knew I was next. But before I could pass out from the exhaustion I was having from the spaghetti I looked at my phone and saw a message:

"Hey, thanks for inviting us to the group!" From a random phone number, I instantly recognized it as Peo's.

I replied with, "No problem. How's Steve?"

"Uhhh... idk! Lemme ask him!" She texted back. After an excruciatingly long pause which caused me to feel like I was levitating to the ceiling with just the bitter taste of the spaghetti as my booster, I then heard a:


I looked at my phone and saw that it was Peo. As I opened the message it popped out an image of Steve yelling at his sister while she laughed and closed the door behind her.

"I guess he doesn't want to be disturbed. :/" She texted. I sighed. I don't know why I sighed. Maybe it was an effect of my stomach aching so hard that I couldn't feel it. Maybe it was because I worried for Peo for some reason. Either way, I texted back,

"Eh don't worry about it. You can annoy the rest of my friends! Most of them are already disturbed by me anyway." I then sent her an invite link to join the group chat. She sent back a simple ";)".

I set the phone on 'do not disturb' for the group chat because knowing how energetic Peo was right now. Plus the multiple questions that were probably going to be asked since she was a new phone number. I didn't want to take the chance of hearing a thousand pings at once.

But I did hear one ping. It came out of nowhere as I was feeling on the cusp of passing out from the spaghetti. I turned to my side and there was a message from another number. I considered the possibility of this being a random number but I saw what the number texted me:

"Wsp man. I heard Peo got an inv link. Can I?"

Oh yeah. This was Alice. But I wanted to have a little fun with her since I wanted to ignore the pain in my stomach building up.

"Okay! But you must answer three riddles to receive the link!" I chuckled at myself as Alice agreed.

"Alright! What's long, hard, and has-"

"A cucumber. Next riddle."

I didn't even send the message yet, what the hell!?

"How did you know what I was about to say?" I texted to her.

"Because I hear and see this all of the time by my brother already! Now just give me the link since I'm going to answer all of your stupid riddles and I want to see Peo annoying people before I go to sleep." She texted back to me. I decided to comply since I was already pretty tired myself as I sent her the link. I set my phone aside and closed my eyes, accidentally drifting off to sleep.


I soon woke up in a cold sweat and in the same position I had slept in. Half of my body was out of the bed and laid on the ground while the other half was on the bed. I thought I had slipped into some sort of lucid dream but in reality, I just felt so weak that I couldn't get up easily.

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